I Love This Earth

by Undecided 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I just mad a trip to Lowes to pick up a few things for the yard. I always drive through the country and it is so beautiful, wheat fields, corn, tobacco and just green grass. There are a couple of horse farms and many beautiful old and new country homes. I grew up in the country and it reminded me of my childhood years, playing in the creeks and woods.

    I love this earth and don't want to die and leave it all. I just don't understand why things were made this way. The old story in the bible says some guy ages ago ate a piece of fruit and this pissed god off big time. He started cursing everything around him, snakes, man, earth, and the ground we walk on. Women were cursed so they have pain having children, men would have to work their ass off to just get enough food because thorns and the like would take over.Wickedness would take over mankind and in a couple thousand years he would kill all but eight people and a few animals off the earth. This was because he couldn't control the spirit creatures he had created in heaven and they liked the earth and women better than being with him in heaven. Does any of that make sense to you here???

    I know there is nothing I can do but just hang on as long as nature lets me and enjoy each day, but it is swiftly ending for me and I DON'T like it. I love being here, I love my family and I don't want to leave them all. I love you guys too.

    Ken P.

  • Windchaser

    Whenever I'm out in nature, I am in awe with the beauty. Everything seems so perfect, in color, in position, in smells. Sometimes it overwhelms me and I cry. I cry because I know that God made it and I can do nothing more than appreciate what's around me. Appreciate that he gave me life so I could enjoy it. The earth is dying and we are dying. Maybe there is something to life after death, maybe God is going to step in and make the world into a beautiful garden. Maybe he loves us and man-made religions are a bunch of garbage to him. I just don't know.

    All we can do is appreciate what we've got and go on.


  • COMF

    You spoke for me as well as for a lot of us, Ken. I just bought a house, and one of the stipulations in the search was that it have a big yard and be out in the country. I was really hoping for about 3 to 5 acres I could work with, but a half acre is okay for now (that's what I wound up with). In short order there will be a gazebo and a vegetable garden. Haven't decided what goes in the gazebo yet. A swing, a hammock, or a table and benches? Debra suggests a hot tub. :)

    Yeah, man, it worries me a lot to see all the development spreading out from Dallas. Where do the animals go when pasture and woodland becomes apartments, houses and malls? Well, a lot of them go across the street... or at least, partway...

  • Windchaser

    Hi, Ken. I lived in Sevierville/Knoxville, TN area for several years, cause that's where my hubbys were from. I used to love driving on country roads up into the mountains. It is truly beautiful there. In fact, my in-laws lived on a dirt road way out in the sticks and it was my first time ever using an outhouse. Talk about scary. Not so much being in the stinky, tilted box that stunk, and the bugs and snakes, and the feeling that any minute the outhouse was gonna fall into the creek...but it was all the Playboy magazines that were in there (maybe for ballast?)! Damn, those country boys sure liked goin in there a lot!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Your posting touched me, for I too love everything in nature. Here in Southern California, during parts of the year, in one day we can be in the desert, on a snow covered mountain and at the ocean if we wanted to. Some people ski in the mornings and go surfing in the afternoons. And parts of Northern California (Lake Tahoe, etc.) whooooo wee BE-U-TEE-FULL.

    I think a mind clearing ride in the country will get a person closer to GOD than a stack of bibles. I must say though....don't be so hard on GOD. A Creator who planned such a wonderous earth, with all the inherent majestic beauty, certainly has a most excellent plan for His greatest creations - his children on Earth. If we can get past, step around, or walk over the man-made "crap" here, and live our lives by the Golden Rule, then I believe, without a doubt, all will be well with us and the best is yet to be. Just go for another ride in the country, and see if what I said isn't true.

    Edited by - double edge on 13 June 2002 2:36:39

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