What is wrong with this picture?

by worldly girl 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldly girl
    worldly girl

    Hello to all! I am new to these boards, but there is one thing I just don't get. Correct me if I am wrong, but most, not all, of these boards are for what I like to call "recovering Ex JW's". So then why is it, that we have "active JW's" posting on these boards. I mean do they think they're going to "save" us??? I went to another site this a.m. that has a plethora of different types of religions, and beliefs, and of course I checked out the JW side..... There were so many posts or shall I say "ANGRY" posts from active JW's. Aren't they supposed to avoid assoications with those like us? I mean doesn't "bad associations spoil useful habits"? Yet and still we have these wonderful christians posting argurmentative statements....I just don't get it!

    TO SIMON: Thank you so much for creating this board, it really has been a wonderful source of therapy for me....Helps knowing I'm not alone!!


    Identify a problem, create a solution: Skip the BS in between!

  • Simon

    glad you like it Worldly Girl

    The forum is for anyone, whether a current JW or an exJW and NO ONE is ever deleted for being a JW. People are only deleted if they cause a nuisance and unfortunately most of the people who do this are either active JWs (not happy with their beliefs being openly discussed) or people posing as active JWs.

    Technically, I am still a JW myself as I was baptised and have not been disfellowshipped and never disassociated myself (though they announced that I had).

  • eyegirl

    hey worldly girl,

    welcome to the forum. i also am neither da'd or df'd, but i agree that i definitely DO NOT consider myself a witness. hope to talk to you soon.


  • DanielHaase

    Welcome Worldly Girl! True, some active JW's come here, sometimes to monitor things and many because they are curious and need a little extra information so they know that getting out is the right thing to do. This is a great board, I think you'll meet some goof friends and get the support you need. I'm D/F'd like many others here. Email me if you're bored!

  • eyegirl

    very well said, tom!

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