Religion Wins Too Often

by Dutchie 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    I thought this was interesting:

    When Religion and Children's Welfare Are At Odds, Religion Wins Too Often

    Why is it, in this society, that we have been so willing to accommodate religious institutions at the risk of children's welfare? In legal clashes, before the Supreme Court and within our legislatures, religious institutions and religious parents tend to win even when it means that children lose.

    For example, the clergy--the ones who should be serving the highest good--have been granted exemptions from state statutes that require other caretakers of children to report child abuse. The cost of this exemption is not just that child abuse may go unreported; the exemption also tends to destroy the chance it will be punished if it is later reported due to the unrealistic statutes of limitations in so many states.

    For instance, this type of exemption allows the Catholic Church to raise the tissue-paper-thin but, to some, persuasive defense "the law did not require us to report," as a reason the state should not intrude into church business. Yet, requiring reporting of child abuse allegations will enable the state to automatically get the information it needs from the church - without having to bear the unfair burden of first proving the very allegations it is seeking to investigate.

    The undue latitude for religion where children are concerned does not stop with the Church - far from it. For example, Christian Science and Jehovah's Witness parents have been given exemptions from medical neglect charges, even though their children have easily treated diseases and even though they suffer. And in the landmark case Wisconsin v. Yoder , the Supreme Court held that, despite Wisconsin's compulsory education law, an Amish family had the right to end their children's education at 8 th grade for religious reasons.

  • Amazing

    In most states the courts stand ready and do exercise the power to temporarily take custody of JW children, allowing blood transfusions, and then later return the children to the parents custody.

    The State has, at times, limited what religion can do. I believe that forcing Clergy to report child abuse will soon become universal in all 50 states. The Illinois legislature just passed a new law doing just that. New York state is working on or has finally passed a new law increasing the Statute of Limitations to 20 years in cases of molestation. Oregon ruled and won in a case where a public school teacher was fired for using peyote in religious tribal ritual.

    The issue in my mind is what constitutes 'abuse' in the eyes of Society. Clearly neglect, physical and sexual abuse and other similar acts constitute a compelling basis for society to intervene through the State and step on religion ...

    In other areas, such as celebrating Christmas or Birthdays, saluting the flag, not voting, or serving in the military, or getting higher a education ... while socially outside the norm ... is still a 'subjective' matter where the State has no compelling basis to interfere.

    Freedom of religion has to be as free as possible in order for freedom to mean anything ... otherwise, our claims of being a free and liberated society are hallow words, devoid of any meaning, or substance.

    Where the compelling interests of Society are much greater than religious liberty, then by all means, the State should and must step in ... hence, the Church of Satan in San Francisco cannot legally perform human sacrifices in the name of religion ... and JW children can be given blood transfusions against their religious beliefs ... and Christian Science children can be given medical care against their beliefs ... and in many states, reporting of abuse is mandatory ... along with the federal requirement in the US Code require "parents" in ALL 50 states to report child abuse, including sexual molestation.

    While religion seems to get away with things they should not ... I believe it is because we, collectively as a society at large have not given enough attention to this issue in a long time ... and with the Catholic Church being hammered, and now the Watchtower religion getting media attention ... it is a just a matter of time until the laws are improved in all States to better deal with this ... while taking care to not trample on religion.

    I for one am very pleased that out society, our nation, takes care to debate and make sure of achieving proper balance ... I wish they would move faster and more uniformly, but all in all, we need the open 'check and balance' so we do not over-react.

    Edited by - Amazing on 11 June 2002 10:57:7

  • Mimilly

    Society often touts it's premise of children being protected as a primary goal, but when all is said and done, when the fat lady sings, since children do not have a voice like that of Labor Unions or the political clout, the money, the connections, they will fall down the ladder of what is actually deemed important, then slip through every crack imaginable in this adult world.

    Now, of course children cannot organize like the unions; they must rely on adults motivated by untarnished desires to protect them. Unfortunately, when it comes to passing legislation and enforcing such, we're talking about people who are carrying political, financial and religious clout - people who's motivations are tarnished in one way or another. This causes even those who are child protection advocates to slip through those very same cracks.

    The only possible and responsible protection for children is a zero-tolerance when it comes to sexual abuse, medical negligence, and enforced with gusto. Will we ever see that? Sadly, I doubt it. We're living in a who-you-know-not-what-you-do world. Will it stop me from trying to protect children? Never.


    Edited by - Mimilly on 11 June 2002 10:55:10

  • Dawn

    Mat 18:10 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.

    Too often religions put more emphasis on THEIR rules and regulations than on what is really important. And in that instance, children, being the most vulnerable, suffer more than anyone. I would not want to be one of those clergy or "teachers" who must face him one day and explain why one of his "little ones" was made to suffer.

    Religion is man's attempt at reaching God - and it too often becomes the source of worship rather than God himself.

  • gsx1138

    This is why I won't vote for Republicans anymore. They've been infiltrated by the christian coalition. I don't really want to vote for the Democrats either because I hate their 'give everyone a free ride attitude'. This self rightous streak has started to permeate our government in the belief that God is 'on our side'. I can't remember where I saw the segment, maybe MSNBC, but it was on how the christian coalition is influencing the government. I know it sounds conspiracy theorists but I had never even thought about it until this newscast. I believe the fall of this nation, and it will fall, will come from the christian far right. Also there is the blatant misconception that the founding fathers were christian so we have to give religion, especially christianity, a break. This is not true as most of them were Dionist. I hear what you're saying though Dutchie. Too often I hear some arrogant speaker talking about the moral implications of a certain topic when there should be none or they are merely trying to impress their sense of morality on everyone else.

    I believe that most people hold the belief that 'if everyone in the world would just live like we do there would be no problems'. This type of stupidity is also strengthened by using selective exposure methods to reinforce a viewpoint that you already have. Militant christianity, and there is such a thing, is the most dangerous because it is so organized and widely accepted in this country. I also think that using the Bible to solve this countries quandries has already been shown to be disastrous. They used the Bible in the south to justify slavery, they used it to justify making inter-racial marriages illegal, they use it now to justify making same sex marriages illegal, they use it now to justify keeping needy adoptable children away from same sex parents. Now if the Republicans drop that whole 'we are the God squad attitude' and go back to being all about money I'll vote for them again.

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