Renunciation of Baptism

by Dutchie 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    Other religions allow you to renounce your baptism simply by writing a letter. The Mormons accept this:

    Do you think the witnesses would accept this:

    This letter constitutes my/our official request to have my/our name(s) removed from the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as specified in the General Handbook of Instructions, 1989 Edition, chapter eight, page four.

    These instructions to you state that you, as the bishop, are to be certain that I understand the following:

    • that withdrawing a name cancels the effects of baptism;
    • withdraws the priesthood from a male member;
    • and suspends temple sealings and blessings.

    I do understand these things, and make this formal, written request that my name be removed from the records of the church.

    Therefore, I ask you to promptly complete the form "Request for Administrative Action," and forward it to the Stake President. You will need to send me a letter, telling me that you have done so, and that the Stake President will hold the form for 30 days. With no further action from me, at the end of those 30 days, the Stake President will forward this letter and the form to the Office of the First Presidency.



    Yes, the JW elders will accept it. It's called a DISSASSOCIATION LETTER, then an announcement will be made from the KH platform and everyone will SHUN you, because you formally dissassociated yourself from God's only true earthly organization. However, the JW's like to see the copy of the letter that you sent to the religous org. that you have left to make sure you you have cut all your ties with them.


  • garybuss


    Shunning is the answer to it all. Shunning cancels the effects of baptism, eliminates competition for positions of prestige and power and eliminates crowding in the soon to arrive new world, making mansion grabbing easier and more fun for all the un-shunned.

    Shunning is the answer and it is practiced well at the local Kingdom Hall. Can you imagine Witness people standing in a service and shaking hands and saying a greeting to nearby people like is done at a Catholic Church and other churches as well? They would have to have shunned people wear red beanies or something so the right and the righteous would know who to shun.

    In the Witness religion, shunning withdraws the priesthood (aka elderhood) from a male member; and suspends temple sealings and blessings also known to Witnesses as privileges of service like working for free on a Watch Tower Corporation sponsored quick build.

    I can't think why I would want to cancel the effects of baptism. What I have seen is people wanting to cancel the effects of shunning.

    The best thing about being a Witness is the shunning when I leave. Why would I try to cancel the effects of the best benefit of being a Witness?

    Shun me high shun me low. Shunning is the way to go. Yeahaaaaa



  • Dutchie
    making mansion grabbing easier and more fun for all the un-shunned.

    Garybuss, you are hysterical!

    Yes, Sus and Gary, its the shunning aspect that makes the whole thing so intolerable!

    Edited by - Dutchie on 9 June 2002 17:25:8

  • dungbeetle

    This goes back to whether baptism is a contract. It seems to me that it has to be SOMETHING, else WHY BE BAPTISED?

    The only thing I can think of to do , would be for people to start writing unbaptism letters, and placing ads in the local papers.

    Because if a contract is entered into between two entities, and there was fraud involved, the contract should be able to be modified, or in the JW case, set aside.

    And in the case of minors, it's been said that if you wait a lot of years, then you waive the right to claim you were baptised too young, but that should not be the case in the event of the discovery of fraud.

    This could be the beginning of a new movement; dissolution of baptism based on fraud...hmmm

  • plmkrzy

    If I had no family or friends that were JWs I wouldn't care if they all shunn'd me or not. That is thier problem not mine.

    But If you want to be removed from the records or erase the fact that you were ever there I doubt if thats possible. There would still be a record of you erasing the record. They need to keep track of those to be shunned more then they need to keep track of those in good standing.

    The ones in good standing do not pose a threat as those who want to become apostates.

    I'm supprised they don't have a Hall of Fame for apostates. A museum with pictures on the wall and a briefe profile of thier apostate-hood and crimes comitted.

    Every year a magazine could be published with updates on apostates so all those in good standing can be on the look out.

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