The Conscientious Objector

by Dutchie 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    I was reading Constitutional Law today in an attempt to find out if secular law and religious law intertwined in some way and I came across this: I thought you might find it interesting:

    The example of the conscientious objector remains relevant today and may be used to illustrate the continued proper application of the Free Exercise Clause in the context of modern society. In Thomas v. Review Board,[46] Eddie Thomas, [Page 56] a member of the Jehovah Witnesses who was conscientiously opposed to war on religious grounds, was transferred by his factory employer to the line manufacturing turrets for tanks.[47] When the employer refused to change his duties, he quit and then applied to the state for unemployment compensation benefits.[48] The state denied benefits on the ground that leaving the job because of religious convictions was merely a voluntary termination and not for good cause, a decision that was upheld by the state supreme court.[49] The United States Supreme Court reversed, holding that, in the absence of a compelling government interest, the state may not "condition[] receipt of an important benefit upon conduct proscribed by a religious faith, or . . . den[y] such a benefit because of conduct mandated by religious belief, thereby putting substantial pressure on an adherent to modify his behavior and to violate his beliefs."[50] The Court prefaced this holding by explaining that "[o]nly beliefs rooted in religion are protected by the Free Exercise Clause, which, by its terms, gives special protection to the exercise of religion."[51]

  • Farkel

    : When the employer refused to change his duties, he quit and then applied to the state for unemployment compensation benefits.[48]

    That lazy jackass dub wouldn't just go out and get ANOTHER job. NO! He had to try to milk the system instead. Jackass dub won't just not fight to preserve the freedoms he freely milks. NO! Jackass dub SUES the free system jackass dub won't lift an arm to fight for, so jackass dub can get a free ride.

    Dubs, especially pioneers are notoriously lazy and will milk and milk the very system they daily revile in their field service. Hypocrites.


  • Scully

    I wonder if anyone has tried to use the "conscientious objector" clause to refrain from doing something the WTS demands of its followers?

    I can see this having a multitude of applications for JWs who want exemption from certain WTS rules.

    Such as, but not limited to:
    - blood transfusions
    - shunning
    - turning in pedophiles to authorities
    - advocating for victims of pedophiles
    - non-participation in door-to-door work

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Love, Scully

  • crawdad2

    hi dutchie,

    you forgot to make it clear for us dummys that are easily confused........ the supremem court "reversed"?

    did he get the unemployment or not?

  • Dutchie

    Thus case went all the way to the Supreme Court and they gave this lazy guy the benefits!

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Dutchie,

    Thanks for posting this.

    In my view though, there is not enough information to make an informed judgement or give an opinion.

    For instance, what were the circumstances that brought about the change in duties. What kind of work was available for the skills this brother had at the time? What year did this happen? etc.

    It is though an interesting topic.



  • DakotaRed

    This reminds me of that dub who worked for the Police Department somewhere in Florida a few years ago. Although he had carried a firearm for years and was a weapons instructor, he also wanted to be an elder. So, he refused to carry the gun anymore. When he was demoted to a non-weapon carrying job within the Department, or something like that, at a smaller salary, he sued also. I don't actually remember the outcome, maybe some of you might know about it.

    But, he too was willing to milk the system all because of wanting to be a better dub, or so he claimed.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Scully said: ""conscientious objector" clause to refrain from doing something the WTS demands of its followers?

    Such as, but not limited to:
    - blood transfusions
    - shunning
    - turning in pedophiles to authorities
    - advocating for victims of pedophiles
    - non-participation in door-to-door work"

    Brilliant, Scully!

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