JWs, Catholics: One Coin, Two Sides

by Francois 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    It has been pointed out here from time to time that you become just like the person or thing that you most hate; that there is no difference between a proton and an anti-proton.

    For virtually their entire history, Jehovah's Witnesses have been rabidly anti-Catholic, and have been behaving just like Catholics. The similarity is sometimes startling.

    For instance, we are aware that JWs accuse the press, the public, the government, the population, and everyone else right down to the American Dairy Association of being anti-JW, when the truth is that the WTBTS is hardly a blip on most radar. Anyway, point being that if you disagree with the JWs, if you find some point of departure from their teachings or their behavior then you're immediately labeled anti-JW - or worse. Do Catholics do this? If I'm right in my assertion that there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between the JWs and the Catholic Church, then the Catholics must indeed engage in the same behavior. And so I wasn't surprised to read the following about the position being taken by the Church in connection with its own pedophilia problem, to wit:

    "A Catholic cardinal who some believe may become the next pope has accused the U.S. media of using tactics reminiscent more of Stalin, Hitler and two brutal Roman emperors than of objective journalists covering the church's recent pedophilia scandals, according to an interview in an upcoming issue of an Italian Catholic magazine.

    Indeed, most coverage in the United States had been "obviously and openly anti-Catholic" toward this year's child sex scandals, Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga told the magazine Trente Giorni, or "Thirty Days," for its June 12 issue.

    In the advance copy obtained by United Press International, Rodriguez Maradiaga specifically mentioned Ted Turner, the media tycoon who founded CNN, and the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Boston Globe as being unfairly aggressive in their coverage of the scandals.

    "Those (publications) were protagonists of what I define as a prosecution of the Church," Trente Giorni quoted Rodriguez Maradiaga as saying."

    So there you have it. More proof that the JWs and the Catholic Church are merely two sides of the same coin. But then, we never doubted it did we?


    P.S. Nice interface Simon. You're still working on it I take it? But this is really sophisticated. Congratulations on another coup in Bulletin Boarddom.

  • Simon

    Yes, it's still a bit 'work in progress' but I figured it's useful even at the stage it's at and is better than what we had before. Glad you like it!

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