Even though I'm not an active JW, my mom is and they handed out an outline at the service meeting last Thursday about the Dateline program. Even though I didn't go, I did get a copy of the outline and have posted it below. The only info. I know about the talk is from what is posted below
Outline from June 6th meeting:
Our Bible-Based position on how we handle Child Abuse
We abhor the sexual abuse of children and will not protect any perpetrator of such repugnant acts from the consequences of his gross sin (Romans 12:9)
Elders are expected to investigate every allegation of child abuse but also bear in mind the Bible’s clear direction given at:
Deuteronomy 19:15 – Two witnesses.
Matthew 18:16 – Two witnesses.
1 Timothy 5:19, 24, 25 – Some sins become known later.
What if someone is a Proven Child Molester?
January 1, 1997 Watchtower p. 29 par 2
1 Timothy 3: 2, 9, 10
2 Corinthians 7: 1
Ephesians 4: 17-19
1 Thessalonians 2: 4
Where required by law, elders report allegations of child abuse to the authorities, even where there is only one witness (Rom 13:1)
In any case, the elders know that if a victim wishes to make such a report, it is his or her absolute right to do so. (Galatians 6:5)
Additional references:
Articles have been published in our journals, The Watchtower and Awake! since at least 1981, with a view of educating Jehovah’s people and the public on the need to protect children from child abuse. Besides the above quoted article, some are:
“Help the Victims of Incest” – October 1, 1993 Watchtower
“Your Child is in Danger!”, “How can we Protect our
children?”, and
“Prevention in the Home” – October 8, 1993 Awake!
“Child Molesting – Every Mother’s Nightmare” – January 22,
1985 Awake!