Outline they handed out at "Dateline"...

by Preston 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Preston

    Even though I'm not an active JW, my mom is and they handed out an outline at the service meeting last Thursday about the Dateline program. Even though I didn't go, I did get a copy of the outline and have posted it below. The only info. I know about the talk is from what is posted below

    Outline from June 6th meeting:

    Our Bible-Based position on how we handle Child Abuse

    We abhor the sexual abuse of children and will not protect any perpetrator of such repugnant acts from the consequences of his gross sin (Romans 12:9)

    Elders are expected to investigate every allegation of child abuse but also bear in mind the Bible’s clear direction given at:

    Deuteronomy 19:15 – Two witnesses.
    Matthew 18:16 – Two witnesses.
    1 Timothy 5:19, 24, 25 – Some sins become known later.

    What if someone is a Proven Child Molester?

    January 1, 1997 Watchtower p. 29 par 2
    1 Timothy 3: 2, 9, 10
    2 Corinthians 7: 1
    Ephesians 4: 17-19
    1 Thessalonians 2: 4

    Where required by law, elders report allegations of child abuse to the authorities, even where there is only one witness (Rom 13:1)

    In any case, the elders know that if a victim wishes to make such a report, it is his or her absolute right to do so. (Galatians 6:5)

    Additional references:

    Articles have been published in our journals, The Watchtower and Awake! since at least 1981, with a view of educating Jehovah’s people and the public on the need to protect children from child abuse. Besides the above quoted article, some are:

    “Help the Victims of Incest” – October 1, 1993 Watchtower

    “Your Child is in Danger!”, “How can we Protect our
    children?”, and
    “Prevention in the Home” – October 8, 1993 Awake!

    “Child Molesting – Every Mother’s Nightmare” – January 22,
    1985 Awake!

  • dungbeetle

    They are totally ignoring a couple of things:

    1) It is the law in all fiufty states and the US Government that parents must report physical abuse of tehir children. If a parent refuses to report (does not take advantage of their 'right' to report) they cannot and should not be held as Jehovah's Witnessess in good standing.

    2) In those states where there is mandated reporting of child abuse, elders that did not do this have committed a crime and cannot and should not remain elders, for years. Elders that took punitive action against anyone reporting abuse in those states where 'anyone caring for or giving assistance to a child' reported an abuser is BREAKING THE LAW and can be criminally and civily liable---let alone remain Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing.

    Anything less than that is crimninal conspiracy.

    3) Where are these mandated policies, especially regarding the reporting of abuse by the parents, spelled out?

    4) And where is the assistance for the victims/survivors?

    As far as I'm concerned, this Dateline Outine is just more prrof of criminal conspiracy.


  • crawdad2

    hi preston,

    thanks for the outline.

    it all sounds so nice on paper!......especially the part about 2 witnesses..... but in reality, .......because of the 2 witness rule, they hand little molested children back over to the pedophile parent, because there are not two witnesses.

    how could they be so cruel.
    i think every elder who was involved in such things should be sued by the victims..... they should contact silent lambs for information.

  • deddaisy

    "...with a view of educating Jehovahs people and the public on the need to protect children from child abuse."

    According to the American Family Foundation, a resource on cults and psychological manipulation, cults:

    "psychologically, if not physically, isolate followers from the rest of society. They use mind control to make members believe the world is divided between absolute good (the group and its ideolgy) and absolute evil (all else). As the foundation's guidelines explain: The group is the 'elite'; outsiders are 'of the world,' 'evil,' 'unenlightened,' etc." (Emphasis added)

    USA WEEKEND, March 1-3, 2002

    (they don't even protect the children of their own members from their own members, but they're educating the public on how to do it!? )

    Edited by - deddaisy on 17 June 2002 21:49:10

  • Salud

    Excellent points dungbeetle. They are doing the CYA bid.

  • Cassiline
    Where required by law, elders report allegations of child abuse to the authorities, even where there is only one witness (Rom 13:1)

    When did this stance become "law" in relation to the 2 witness rule? I understand the "where required by law" referrence, meaning states that mandate reporting. But never have I seen this put forth prior. Now I have been out for quite some time.

    Can anyone tell me if this is a new set of rules resulting from Dateline's recent airing? Have I forgotten something? Or is this "new light"?

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