i highly respect your organization.
i would like to know if you have a class action law suit in the works.
i am referring abuse victims to you, for the support they will recieve, but i would like to know if they have the opportunity to be compensated for abuse they suffered at the hands of the watchtower bible and tract society's policys.
the the 2 main reasons i am asking this, is because they deserve to be compensated, and taking money away from the gov body is one of the best ways to stop further abuse of children and rape victims.
i have seen a post (yesterday) on this site(plmcrzy, friends, ok fine, butts and boobs) requesting victims to post pictures, names and details, on their web site, with no attorney to represent them, and i don't find that appropriate.
please let me know what your position is on this.
i realize things like this take time, but i want to know about these matters, so i can be accurate when i direct victims to your site.
thank you, ..........crawdad