BoE letters are useless and a red herring

by anglise 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • anglise

    Just a thought,

    Why is that the society shout about their BoE letters as though they prove right motives and attitude from the GB.
    Surely due to the fact that 99% of these letters are only read to the elders in their secret meetings the really important information is not available to the R&F witness.
    This means that someone trying to work out how to approach the subject of being molested in the past and what to do about it will in those early crucial stages of any decision only have recourse to the information in the "open" publications.
    They will "do research" as the loyal dub is encouraged to do and wont find anything to give them support and help.
    Would the elders give them access to the BoE files? We all know the answer to that.
    This is another example of the double dealing of the org from the top down, especially as all JW's are judged by the elders according to the content of these secret letters.

  • crawdad2

    i suspect they are going to print their policy about child molestation, eventually in the mag, to get out of a bind,/////// and when the rank and file start using the information, and call the police, the elders will have to be a little more careful on how they disfellowship them,.......but there will be a big amount of victims and whistle blowers disfellowshipped for apostacy........till everyone gets the idea....... only apostates call the police!
    sick disgusting apostates, who want to bring reproach on the organization, and accuse it's innocent members of abuse.

    just a guess

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