A Canadian Elder Speaks Out!

by silentlambs 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • silentlambs

    May 26, 2002

    Dear Brother Bowen:

    I have not yet seen the Dateline Program. However, I have set my VCT to record it this evening, when I will be at the book study. I do not expect to learn any surprises- from the Dateline report, since I have been undergoing continual harassment for several years now because of my stand against pedophilia prevalent in the congregations.

    In support of your cause I wrote the enclosed letter to the governing body. Ezek. 3:19-21

    Note in the June 15th Watchtower in the Gilead Graduation report, both the comments by the first speaker and the key address. Generally people like to talk about those they know best. I expect that every effort will be made to trace down and locate those who have the courage to write letters of protest to the governing body. I like to think it is the course of wisdom not to identify myself at the present time, but maybe it is a lack of courage.

    However, I do know that every letter of protest they receive is an indication to them that Jehovah is no longer blessing their efforts to shield pedophiles.

    I remain, one of thousands who are not yet speaking out,

    Your brother,

    A Silent lamb

    (see letters below)

    May 24, 2002

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
    The Governing Body
    25 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn, New York, U. S.A, 1120

    Dear Brothers.

    On page 31, inside the back cover of the June 15th issue of the Watchtower you publish a short article regarding confidentiality. What does this article mean? Will this not give license to elders to take action against anyone they so desire and be accountable to no one? Or does this mean that there are certain things that have been kept hidden from the congregations that are about to be revealed? Luke 8:17

    Providing sanctuary or asylum to criminals leads to abuses and travesties of justice. Such has been the record of the Roman Catholic Church following World War II when they shielded Nazi war criminals enabling them to escape to countries of South America. Shielding their pedophile priests from the authorities has been a crime for which the Church is now paying dearly. Media reports describing the legal and civil attacks on the hierarchy of the Church for so doing reveals that the Church must compensate the victims to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. Few have any sympathy for the punishment she is justly receiving. Her pleas of ecclesiastical privilege have fallen on deaf ears.

    Under the guise of confidentiality bodies of elders across the country have hidden from parents and children the existence of predators in their midst. This veil of secrecy has served these criminals well and has put at risk the safety of the children in the congregations. Pedophilia is a crime. Is not providing sanctuary for these predators also a crime? How long will Jehovah allow vicious wolves and the shepherds who protect: them to have free reign in the congregations?

    Pedophiles often select their victims carefully, grooming them over a period of time try gain their trust and that of their parents. Children of single parents are their most likely target. Their reports of abuse are less likely to be believed by the elders. Seldom are the parents of these children able to seek redress in the courts because they are financially disadvantaged. Elders often tell them that if they go to court or the authorities they could be disfellowshipped. They are also told that making accusations against a brother that they cannot prove (i. e. two witnesses) could lead to severe discipline from the elders. Despite all the claims made in the pages of the Watchtower that the elders lovingly case for the welfare of the children in their charge, the reality of the matter is that such claims are little more than lip service when the reputation o the organization is a stake.

    Elders often rebuke victims who speak up with reports of sexual molestation. Rather than practice confidentiality to protect those crying out, they spread the word around the congregations that these children are “bad news, liars,” and must he avoided by other families and their children. Thus these orphans and widows are ostracized by the congregation and the congregation views them as something to be despised. Jas1:27

    The victims and their parents are ordered not to tell anyone. If they breach that order, they are intimidated by the threat of disfellowshipping. Thus they are prevented from warning potential victims, thus creating a desirable atmosphere in which the pedophile can continue to practice his deviant behavior.

    Do you not think that much of the information you receive from your elders, circuit and district overseers is designed to minimize the real life situation faced by pedophile infested congregations? After all is not reporting such conditions existing among the flock over which they have oversight a condemnation of their failure to exercise proper care of the flock? Be realistic are they going to tell you the true state of affairs even if they are aware of it ?

    Are you not closing ears to the "complaining cry of the lowly one," by requiring brothers who wish to write to you, to consult the elders so they can oversee and approve what is said in their letters to you? Prov. 21:13

    Are you not troubled that despite their efforts to cover up their problem with pedophile priests, the Catholic Church and other churches are being exposed and are receiving their just deserts? To my knowledge, never has the Church excommunicated those who have spoken out against the sexual molestation occurring within the Church. Is it true that you have appointed judicial committees to intimidate and disfellowship those who would dare to question your policies and to take you to task for the criminal behavior you are condoning and participating in? Luke 8:17

    You were warned many years ago where your unscriptural policies would lead, yet you close to ignore such warnings. Requiring that elders end circuit overseers report to you cases of sexual molestation before going to the authorities is in direct violation of most state laws requiring reporting of pedophilia. Such violation carries with it a heavy fine and sometimes a jail term.

    I am reminded of Habakkuk's plea to Jehovah in Chapter 1 verses 2 - 7. Yes, these words were expressed because of the perversion of justice among Jehovah's people of ancient times and as your publications have pointed out they apply to Christendom today. In fact it appears that if Habakkuk were alive today he would utter those same words with respect to conditions prevailing among Jehovah's people today.

    You may not like this message. Your reaction to it will identify you as faithful servants of Jehovah or condemn you as evil slaves. Luke 12:45, 46 I beg you, do not shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.

    Humbly, but like Habakkuk, troubled by the things I see, I remain,

    Your brother,

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
    The Governing Body
    25 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. 11201 - 2483

    Attention: David Splane

    Dear Brothers,

    Confidentiality. What is it? Is it a high sounding term servants of Satan uses to cover over the deep things of Satan. Keeping criminal offenses committed within the Christian congregation, confidential, serve Satan’s ends. Since Pedophilia is a crime, is not harboring pedophiles also a crime? Luke 3:34,35 Satan prefers to operate as an angel. of light and is it any wonder his servants pretend to be ministers of righteousness.
    2 Cor.11: 14,15.

    The elders have proceeded to disfellowship those who dared to expose the pedophile cover up which appears to be directed from your office. The articles you have written to give advice to parents on how to protect their children from molesters rings hollow, when you, in turn, fail to warn them of predators in their midst. True shepherds warn the flock when ravenous wolves enter in among them, they do not expect the victims to defend themselves from such vicious attacks. When the victims of attack cry out they do not turn a deaf ear nor do they 'slay' the victims by threatening them or disfellowshipping them when they warn other sheep of the impending danger. Mt.7:15-1.7

    I am not very impressed by the sincerity of one who fails to turn over a criminal matter to the authorities simply because he does not have two witnesses to the event. To begin with why are the bodies of elders attempting to investigate criminal matters when Jehovah has not placed that in their jurisdiction. Romans 13 clearly shows that the investigation and prosecution of criminal matters are the responsibility of the civil authorities.

    Suppose a brother was witness to the slaying of another brother, would you tell him not to go to the authorities because he did not have a second witness? Of course not! If he chose not to the authorities out of fear of retribution from the manslayers, would YOU keep his report to you confidential? Failing to act would not be showing proper honor and respect: to the authorities in whose hands Jehovah has placed the responsibility of bringing criminals to justice. Would you not realize that by not reporting to the authorities what you know, you put in jeopardy the entire congregation by permitting the manslayer to have free and covert: access to the congregation?

    Would the body of elders attempt to supplant the civil authorities by investigating this murder and determining the innocence or guilt of the accused? Reason, says, No. Then why do the bodies of elders attempt to supplant the authorities in other offenses, deemed crimes, such as pedophilia?

    It is a simple matter, you have it under your control, Rather than setting down a Talmud of rules for the elders to be guided by, simply require them to report all criminal accusations to the authorities.

    The stand you have taken and the counsel you have given to the bodies of elders will never impress the civil authorities of your desire to protect the innocent. Rather your stand and counsel belies your claims and undermines confidence in Jehovah's organization. Luke 12:45, 46

    I am distressed by what I see and hear, after having devote more than fifty years of dedicated service to Jehovah by making disciples by preaching and teaching the good news in obedience to Jesus command in Matthew 28: 19, 20

    I pray that Jehovah will bless you with humility as you consider the sound reasoning given above. May Jehovah direct you and guide you with his spirit as you correct matters needing attention in the around the world.

    I remain your fellow servant from whom you gratefully accepted scriptural counsel many years ago.

  • Bang

    Jehovah is no longer blessing their efforts to shield pedophiles
    Like he used to?

    And always talk about the RCC - comparing yourself thoughtfully to the babylon beast thingy is sure to help your image in front of the R & F.


  • Locutus

    After reading some of the UK BOE letters posted, and the following from Dateline, I get the feeling "confidentiality" is the legal means the WTBTS plans on using to keep all those "special blue envelopes" from being opened (and admitted into court.)

    LARSON: (Voiceover) White also told the court that when a church member is called before the elders and admits to a crime, they consider it a religious confession and that, just like a priest or rabbi, he and other elders have good reason not to testify about it in court.

    Mr. WHITE: (From audio tape) Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to harbor
    criminals or dangerous people. But we want the confidentiality because if that's taken away from us, why should a person ever confess anything?

    What has the WTBTS publications said in the past about "religious confession" (for example the Catholic's use of it ?) If they have said negative things about it, those statements could be used to show that a "judicial committee" is not a "religious confession", and therefore not protected by confidentiality laws.

    Sorry if this offends anyone, but my opinion is that all the envelopes can be opened as the WTBTS is not a religion, but a magazine and book publishing company, and is therefore ineligible to claim "confidentiality" in such manners.

    Bill - I'm just trying to help, and keep up the good work.


  • Pathofthorns

    Given the current climate, if he signed that letter I can't see him being an elder for much longer and he certainly would be subject to some "visits". If he did not sign the letter it just goes to the trash bin.


  • hawkaw

    BTTT to alert more Canadians

    Also Bill,

    I have sent you an Email this morning wrt to this issue and have asked you a question.


  • outnfree


    Given the current climate, if he signed that letter I can't see him being an elder for much longer and he certainly would be subject to some "visits".
    I fear you may be right, and yet I must applaud this elder with a half-century of JW experience behind him for finally calling the Society on the carpet for their ill-advised child abuse policies.

    If he does get some "visits" and realizes that his stance will cost him life-long friends and family, perhaps he can make the most of his exit, making sure that as many as possible in the congregation hear his warning about the wickedness that exists in the organization because of those policies.

    I remain convinced that if MOST right-hearted JWs actually knew what has been going on behind Judicial Committee doors for many, many years, they would be as outraged as the average Catholic is today about how they have been left exposed to and their children unprotected from predators because of the inaction of their shepherds.


    When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift

  • Farkel


    : Mr. WHITE: (From audio tape) Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to harbor criminals or dangerous people. But we want the confidentiality because if that's taken away from us, why should a person ever confess anything?

    Of course, this is a classic strawman argument carefully crafted to make the reader think that people would not confess ANYTHING if elders were required to turn people in for commiting criminal acts. If a person confessed to fornication, adultery or smoking such a person would not go to jail.

    If the WTS is forced to report child-rapists due to that matter coming to light, it does not affect or even deter the confession of other non-criminal activities.

    The Watchtower Corporation still limps on thinking that people who read their smoke screens are idiots like their own dumb dubbies. If nothing else, it shows what idiots they themselves are for assuming that.


  • SloBoy

    Thanks Bill for keeping us informed of others outrage over WBTS policy. I will always remember the overt and covert ways we were made to feel that our reaction was 'so out of step with the rest of God's organization'. We are most certainly not alone!!! A new perspective to 'the small one becoming a mighty nation'.

  • bonovox

    Ive been away for quite a while, but am I missing something here??

    Why is it that when someone is abused, or a parent is told by their child that they were abused, the first persons that they run to is the elders? Just who the hell are they to intercede in criminal matters anyways? I recall being taught that you would want to try to work out a civil or business disagreement within the congregation before going the legal route, but WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A CRIMINAL MATTER HERE PEOPLE!!!

    Just to follow through on the logic presented in one of the letters, if you saw your brother kill another brother, would you phone Joe Elder, or would you pick up the phone and call 911?

    And by the way, what's to prevent a person from putting their hand up during the Watchtower study, being passed the mic, and fully exposing the molester in front of the entire congregation? Sure, you may not get to comment for a long while after that, but after you level the accusation publicly in front of everyone, do you honestly think the entire congregation will rush you out of there with one accord (and I dont mean a Honda, as the old joke went)??? That person would never be able to show their face at the Hall again, and certainly should be booed off the platform if they ever got up to speak. Radical? Yes! Necessary? Absolutely!

    Letters to the GB??? Waiting on the decisions of imperfect men?? Call the friking police for crying out loud! They wont hold you to that 'mouth of two witnesses' crap!

    Cmon people, use the brain Jehovah gave you!


    "Well the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister!"

    Bullet the Blue Sky, Rattle n Hum version

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Silentlambs,

    thanks for sharing this interesting material.
    Let's hope that more like this brother will come
    out and the WBTS Inc., will be at the receiving
    hand. It is disgusting that they do still claim
    to speak for Jehovah,...to follow Christ footsteps,
    that their organisation show "...true love"!!!


    "Why is it that when someone is abused, or a parent is told by their child that they were abused, the first persons that they run to is the elders? Just who the hell are they to intercede in criminal matters anyways? I recall being taught that you would want to try to work out a civil or business disagreement within the congregation before going the legal route, but WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A CRIMINAL MATTER HERE PEOPLE!!!"

    Excellent and very realistic comment. Unfortunately this
    is still the WBTS Inc. policy!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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