I know they are a very rough judge of things but the extra site traffic in the last week since dateline shows the level of interest. I've no doubt all the other JW related sites not least of all http://www.silentlambs.org itself are seeing a similar increase:
52,899 sessions (roughly visits) 248,465 thread views (reading a topic ... now 7,348,260 total todate) 1,444,999 page views (includes chat etc ...)
While there is plenty of traffic from sites that kindly link to here there is also an increase in the number of people finding the site from search engines which are very likely to be people who have seen dateline and want to learn more (welcome to the site BTW!).
Well, a few months ago we were on abuot 4 or 5 million topic views so 1/4 of a million in a week is not bad going.
Before dateline we would typically get between 35 and 40,000 visitors per week but as well as there being more visitors, people are generally viewing more pages and reading for longer which is a good sign.
On an average day I would have expected between 4,500 and 6,000 visits. On the night dateline aired there were about 10,000 with approx 600 concurrent at any one time (hence the hasty removal of the one feature that was not optimised like the rest of the site).
yes, Welcome Newbies! There are a lot of lovely people here and we look forward to getting to know you as we have got to know them.