As I've mentioned here before, I go into NYC at least once a week for business. Recently, when using the Brooklyn Bridge, I've noticed that it was being painted. Well, today, I was crossing from Brooklyn to Manhattan, when I noticed a small sign at the beginning of the bridge on the Brooklyn side that said "Tower PTG". Being the suspicious, paranoid sort that I am, I immediately wondered whether the Watchtower was sending out a few of the Bethel boys to do bridge painting to earn the organization a few fast bucks.
Upon further investigation, I learned that there is a company called "Tower Painting," a painting contractor, based in Brooklyn. But, by golly, the conspiracy hound in me won't let it rest there. I'm still wondering whether this outfit is one of the Society's thinly disguised money-makers (like Circuit Leasing). Does anybody have the inside poop?
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan