< http://www.msnbc.com/news/761340.asp?0na=x2101110-
THE BOSTON GLOBE, which obtained a copy of the draft policy scheduled to be released later Tuesday by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, reported that the document also would require that every diocese in the country report all accusations of sexual abuse of minors to secular authorities for investigation.
The Globe also reported that the bishops are expected to offer an apology to the victims of abusive priests and for the handling of the cases by bishops.
The plan by the conference’s Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse will be put to a vote when bishops from around the country meet June 13-15 in Dallas. Debate over ousting errant clergy is expected to be intense.
The Conference of Catholic Bishops has been struggling to restore trust in church leadership following revelations that some priests who victimized young people were allowed to continue working by their superiors.
The sheer number of cases has also been troubling. More than 225 clergy out of 46,075 U.S. priests have either resigned or been taken off duty since the crisis began in January with a case in Boston.
A decade ago, the conference developed a set of guidelines on responding to abuse claims, but compliance was voluntary since each diocese reports to the Vatican — not the national bishops’ organization.
The bishops have indicated that, this time, they would ask Rome to make any abuse policy mandatory. But new doubts have been raised about whether the Vatican would give its approval.
Since Pope John Paul II and U.S. cardinals met in April to discuss the crisis, some top Vatican advisers have expressed opposition to automatically reporting molestation claims to civil authorities.
Many American bishops have already pledged to do just that, even if their state law does not require them to do so. Bishop Joseph Galante, who has been working with the committee on its proposal, has said the national policy should include immediately notifying law enforcement of any claims.
Galante, coadjutor of the Dallas Diocese, said he felt many bishops supported a policy of suspending any clergyman who abuses a child in the future, but divisions remain on whether past abusers should be removed from the priesthood.
Some bishops believe the church should not dismiss one-time offenders whose misconduct occurred decades ago and who haven’t been accused since.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Too many 'lambs'!