Getting off on their power trip

by SpiceItUp 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    I think in a way the WT along with the elders are molesters themselves. Think of the simularities.
    First...this is the definition, courtesy of Webster, of molest - "To bother, annoy, or persecute: to accost sexually". Now lets dissect the definition. "To annoy" - which means to bother, irritate,and slightly anger. Hmmmm, I would say first that going unwelcome to peoples homes, and telling themn that they are going to be detroyed if they dont accept Jehovah into their hearts and practice and believe and become mindless sheep, is definately annoying and bothersome and has proven to cause anger. Ok thats two down how about the next one - to persecute. I looked that one up also just so I could be impartial. It measn to harrass or annoy persistently or to oppress because of one's religion, beliefs etc. Since I have already proven the annoy part - I have no problem with the annoy persistently (ie going door-to-door every day even to some of the same places). Now my favorite part (I have been sooo sick of all JW and their being persecuted so here it is)...when you judge another whether it be a family member, another parrisioner, or a stranger because they dont believe the same that is persecution. I remember when I was young and wasn't allowed to play with a "worldy" friend from school beacuse they weren't of the same faith. It never made sense to me because I thought we were supposed to love all brothers. It hit me with such hypocrisy that thats when I think I first started really wondering about the JW's.
    The last part of the definition was to accost sexually. I will first admit that I in no way know all legal terms but as far I was aware you are an accessory to a crime if you help cover it up. That would make the elders, the congregations, and the WT a sexual predator as well in my opinion.
    Now to actually explain my subject matter (hope you're still with me). One of the largest reasons sexual crimes are committed is to prove that the predator is stronger and has more power over the victim. Now you look at the WT and all I see are men in high places that are drunk on a very large power trip. I can only hope that they along with the rapists, molesters, pedophiles, and other deviants are brought down to justice for their crimes seen and unseen.
    Sorry to rant and rave so much but this whole topic has never set well with me and I'm glad to finally have a place to let out steam.

  • SixofNine

    in their own words: "like bees they are molesting"

  • crawdad2

    did i hear you say ACCESSORY TO THE CRIME?

    hmmm, .........

    dear gov body,,,,,,, are you an ACCESSORY TO THE CRIME???

    i mean, you just said you ~ADVISE ELDERS~.... when they have an accusation of pedophile.

    so, ....... they are instructed to call you on the phone, right?
    and then you give them ADVICE, right........ just like the ADVICE bill bowen got "documented on tape", right?

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