Guardian article mentions SILENTLAMBS 6/01/02

by deddaisy 2 Replies latest social current

  • deddaisy

    sorry, no link......

    Copyright 2002 Guardian Newspapers Limited
    The Guardian (London)

    June 1, 2002
    HEADLINE: The week on the web


    Who is listening? The scandal over the Roman Catholic Church's protection of its paedophile priests
    finally broke into the open this year, after more than 15 years as a half-covered, half-ignored news
    story. Now a website called Silent Lambs is struggling to bring a similar story to public attention.

    Two years ago William Bowen resigned as an elder of the Jehovah's Witnesses after he
    discovered that they too were protecting paedophiles within the congregation. "The bottom line," he
    wrote at his site, "is that after much effort to try to change Watchtower policy from within I found I
    could no longer 'wait on Jehovah'. I do not believe Jehovah wants or would allow one child to be
    hurt, much less the many that have suffered and been molested as a result of Watchtower policy."
    The website he set up has been absolutely inundated with heartbreaking accounts of systematic
    abuse by congregation members, and at least one story has led to a lawsuit against the Jehovah's
    Witness congregation for intentionally harbouring child molesters. And the response from the press?
    Pretty much nil. Perhaps our lack of knowledge about the Jehovah's Witnesses makes this one too
    hard to deal with. The Witnesses themselves have given an oblique response on their website by
    welcoming visitors with the motto Protect your Children! This leads to two old Watchtower articles
    about how to protect children from abuse, complete with plenty of biblical references. Odd reading,
    really, given the reasons for the posting.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Thanks for the info; do you know the author of the article?

    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

  • deddaisy

    hi Sam, it didn't have a writer listed, only "Guardian Editor Pages, Page 11." It had other irrelevant stories with it...I suppose it's a good thing that someone other than Bates is covering the JWs....

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