if ya' read NO regrets

by andrespvcl 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • andrespvcl

    if love really exists .....
    why should I feel the same sexual stimulation with all the women ?

  • TR

    Because you are young, dumb, and full of $^%&$!


  • larc


    There is no need for you to start two threads on the same subject. It clutters up the board.

    Also, if you are the same Andres that I told about this group, then I think you should tell us about yourself and what you are going through. I think that approach would be very useful to you.

  • mommy

    IMO sex is a natural act that leads to procreation. Most animals only have sex to mate and procreate. Humans have the ability to have free will. Sex feels good and we use our free will to feel good.
    Do I think you can be in love with someone and not have sex? I do, I know a few people that are so in love but because of medical problems cannot have sex. Does this in anyway diminish the love they have for the other? No it does not.
    Do I know people who have sex and are not in love? Yes I do, they are satisfying a need to feel good.
    You may be young but the basis of how you view sex, needs to come from the principles you have in your heart. You may decide to have sex with hundreds of women, but this may lead to a life without love. Or you may decide to search for love, but this may lead to a life without sex. You Andre have to decide your own path. Noone on this board can tell you what your morals need to be.

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