Tony Morris talks on YouTube - is there any way to verify that they are his talks?

by jambon1 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    It's been levelled that the talks you can find on YouTube are fake and that they are not the words of Morris, such as the one below.

    It'd be really helpful to me if there was a way to verify and prove that they are his talks.

    Cab anyone help?

  • steve2

    I'm wondering where you heard that they are "fake" (the word you used in your OP?). It's wise to be skeptical of what we see and hear, whether on the internet or anywhere else. I sometimes find that Morris's speeches on youtube are filled with lots of added "window dressings" (e.g., the song "Getting to Know You" is a distinct turn-off), yet I've heard nothing about the audio tapes being "fake". If they are, the sooner this is widely exposed for what it is, the better. Conversely, if they are genuine - and have NOT been edited to purposely make the content appear even worse - why would a charge of being fake be levelled against those youtube clips? Are they so incriminating of current JW policies that JW apologists say the bona fide youtube clips are fake?

  • username

    Most Tony Morris videos are in fact him speaking, and yes he is bat shit crazy. As steve2 said, some have been embellished with silly immature songs.

    There are raw unedited Tony Morris videos on YouTube if you search deep enough.

  • betterdaze
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I think the question would be to the person that if they are in fact genuine comments of AM3, what would that mean to them?

    I have heard this guy speak in person several times, and these videos are plain out accurate. the extra theatrics are just that. I'm pretty sure JW survey guy isn't throwing lies out there, knowing they would be picked apart pretty soon.

    the onus is really on the person saying they are faked. How? Who? Some advanced voice duplication apostate technology?

  • steve2

    The silliest thing to do would be to "fake" AM3's talks but then, What would that accomplish? What would the purpose be? It would soon be exposed for what it is and then what?

    I view AM3 as perfectly capable of saying silly things himself without the need for anyone else to come along and have him saying "fake" silly things.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    So what is his training anyhow, is he an MD or other ? He mentioned working in sort of a MASH type unit is this correct ? The 3rd ( III ) thing is over the top, that is anything but humble IMHO

  • LHS123

    I really wanted my husband to hear the human hotdogs talk that I thought anyone would find distasteful, but I knew I couldn't show the YouTube clip with the irreverent intro, so I got the name of the talk and year from Cedar's video description, googled it, and there are quite a few MP3 recordings of the whole talk, including chairman introducing him etc, would be very hard to fake, especially with several different copies:


    the gruesome comments about armageddon's dead start at minute 19

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