did your hall list sex offenders on territory?

by good2bgone 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • good2bgone

    this is my first post, but I have been lurking on
    this site for a while. Love it!

    My reason for posting has to do with the Dateline/child abuse
    issue that is going on.

    My congregation, (which I have not gone to for over a year Yeah!)
    used to send the territory guy down to the police station and
    request a list of all the convicted sex offenders in the area. They
    would then write on the back of the territory cards, something to
    the effect of: "adult should call on this house" with the
    address. They did this for the whole city/county.
    Is this a local policy or was it a directive from the WTS?

    In light of everything that is going on, it seems to be a bit self-serving. (This also happens to be the same congregation that does
    have a child molester, who does go to peoples doors, unaccompanied,
    unmonitered, in car groups with people who are unaware of his past.)
    You Watchtower Hypocrites!!

    Just curious if any one else's hall did this?


  • Tammie

    None of the halls that I attended ever did that, and I went to quite a number of different congerations. About the only thing that was wrote on the back of the terr. maps was people who did not want us to call back. Even then that was not paid to much attention to.

    I do remember this one experance a CO told, that he personally witnessed. There was a car group working this one neiborhood. Every one had finnished working was was meeting back at the car, but two young sisters. After a short bit, they decided they better go and see if they could find them. To make a long story short. The two young sisters was invited into this house. The man had locked them in the basement. When the brothers went to the house, they had to force their way into this house to free they young girls. The police was called. The mas was arrested, and the girls were freed. It was learned later that this man was found guilty of rape and murder of several other young ladies.

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