JW's -tree huggers worst enemy

by TR 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    Much of the work I do is at vacant, repossessed, and abandoned houses. Almost without exception, I find WT literature that was "placed" there. What a disingenuous way for a JW to get rid of WT rags. Most of these houses are obviously vacant. Is it all for the "placement" sections on the monthly JW reports to the Society?
    How much wood is wasted on this throw away literature?

    I remember not being able to get rid of my own WT rags that I bought for placement in the field. By the time I left the WTS, I had hundreds of pounds of them. Sadly, I took them to the dump. Maybe I could have recycled them. I don't have a bird, so I can't line a bird cage. I could have saved them for winter to burn in the fireplace, I guess.

    Maybe the WTS could cease it's printing operations and sell their rags on-line. Of course the JW publisher would be required to donate first.


  • VeniceIT

    And the last thing they want is the JW's on the interent!!!! Who knows they might meet one of us WHOOOOOOOO!!!!


  • Frenchy

    What kind of work do you do, TR, if that's not getting too personal?

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Scorpion


    I agree with you. The waist involved with all of the literature, especially the amount of magazines printed must be stupendous.

    In one year, I collected and received from a few friends, over 1100 WT and AFAKE magazines that were collected mainly from laundry mats and retired and elderly apartment complexes in my town. The number of magazines that I have received over the past few years is up in the thousands. The JWs in my area have no idea that I have people collecting the magazines when they leave them at places.

    What a waist!

  • expatbrit

    This is a hazy memory, but I seem to recall a few years ago something in the magazines about the WT not using recycled paper to print it's literature on. Something to do with the type of ink they use.

    Anyone know if this has changed?

    It's the height of hypocrisy for the WT to drone on about environmental damage considering the wastage of paper it's responsible for, but to not recycle would scale the summit!


  • TR


    I'm a certified Master Locksmith. I own and run a mobile locksmith service.


  • amicus
    Sadly, I took them to the dump. Maybe I could have recycled them. I don't have a bird, so I can't line a bird cage. I could have saved them for winter to burn in the fireplace, I guess.

    Well I have a cat but no kitty litter box...give them to the neighbors to line their pet hamsters cage? Wipe the oil off my car's engine dipstick? Wash windows with them? Toilet paper?
    Naw...limit the environmental damage already done...just recycle them.

  • crittersitter

    kewl tr
    i'm a mobile pet groomer
    i could use the old mags in the bottom of puppy cages
    my husband could use them to build his fires( he's a black smith)
    oooo, how about shredding them for packing material???
    or for t-paper (why bother reading them..they'd make lovly wipes at the camp ground, sears catalogs are too slick now)
    mobile critter

  • TR

    Good ideas, you guys! Let's enumerate the uses for the literature:

    1. pet cage liner

    2. fire kindling

    3. shop rag(one magazine per wipe)

    4. cruel joke- get people interested then tell them all the Society's problems

    5. write down names and addresses of all known JW sex offenders in WT and AFAKE! rags, then hand them out door to door

    6. send literature out in space hoping that hosile apostate aliens will find them

    7. edit literature with true info then send to kingdom halls


  • RedhorseWoman

    I have seen articles in The Mother Earth News giving directions for building straw-bale houses.

    How about Watchtower-bale houses? Tightly baled and stacked, they should have a pretty good R rating as insulation; and once they're sealed with stucco, they'd even look good.

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