2014 Best Christmas

by Iown Mylife 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Dearest Forum:

    My granddaughter has been free from the WT cult since Oct of '13. She has never had really bad grades in school but never was a straight A student - until now!!! I just heard she made the honor roll! She was nervous about starting high school but she is having a ball and enjoying everything, including jazz band and lots of friends.

    Life after WT and the JW is turning out to be very good, what a nice Christmas gift for Grammaw and Papa! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas too!!😍


  • cultBgone

    Marina, how lovely! So happy that her life is turning out well, and thankful that she is not being cult-abused any longer.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Thank you so much, yes I'm so grateful for that, i can't tell you!


  • truthseekeriam

    Good for her! It's so wonderful to see our loved ones thrive after leaving the JW's. I'm sure you are very proud :)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Your granddaughter has left the WT grip, is getting good grades, enjoying life with "worldly" friends, and looking forward to a nice Christmas?"

    "Well that makes Jehovah sad. And by 'Jehovah', I mean 'me'. This makes me sad! What next? Is she going to start wearing tight pants that the gays like to see girls wearing?" --ToMo3.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Truthseeker, thank you!

    Billy, i needed that laugh!


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