Hired Guns Investigative Reporting

by MaybeSo 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MaybeSo

    I was looking at this CNN investigavite reporting and found some similiarities between these security guards and the appointed elders. Let me know if you can see the similarities betweent the two.

    "Men and women who have never fired a gun in their lives can set off on patrol in uniform, wearing a badge and carrying a loaded weapon, with only a few hours of training, if any. In 15 states, guards can openly carry guns on the job without any firearms training at all.

    The results can be as tragic as they are predictable."

    " Armed security guards have become a ubiquitous presence in modern life, projecting an image of safety amid public fears of mass shootings and terrorism. But often, it's the guards themselves who pose the threat"

    ”Time after time, we have found armed security guards who should have never been put in the positions they were in. And when an event ensued, crisis followed.”

    In fact, change "armed guards" to "elders" and you'll see how they both relate.

  • Simon

    Is there some special rule that applies to "armed guards" (with no corresponding regulation) or is it simply that certain states allow the open carrying of weapons by whoever has a permit?

    That "report" seemed to be intended to play into current unrest by switching the narrative to killings by security guards instead of law enforcement as though they are all one and the same thing simply because they wear a uniform with a badge on it.

    I didn't catch all the programme so never saw if they explained it or it was just a sensationalist piece to get attention.

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