How and why?

by snare&racket 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Once upon a time, there was a world in flux, undergoing change and diversity at an imperceptible pace. Only with hindsight was it possible to catalogue the various paths being born that led to a word and humanity so very different one hundred years later than compared to any time in the Homo sapiens past.

    Technology, warfare, the universe, the discovery of atoms... born in stars, all things forced upon the fragile minds of mortals in a short period of time.

    These overwhelming changes led to the birth of many things, including comforts and hopes that were far to readily available to grasp ahold of. As the founders of these comforts could not themselves grasp the world they found the self in, they sought the worlds they knew, the past, 4000 years in the past……the technicalities and truths were to be ironed out at another time, a time never reached.

    Some had no choice in the matter, the grasping was done by their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents…..when the time came for personal analysis, not only had they inherited comfort but great, great fears. They found they had lost not only freedom of thought and question but also autonomy itself, the most valuable token gifted to humans. After decades being disconnected from reality, we had questionable capacity remaining.

    The world had changed and some do not like change, though some thrive on it, strive for further change. Hence the movements born out of fear and xenophobic ignorance, as the knowing stood the other side of the fence of the unknowing.

    But now we move toward a new era, where the unknowing and the knowing merge. An age of information where all are free to seek knowledge and all knowledge is seek-able and free, not even requiring a voluntary donation.

    This, the most considerable of all the changes born out in this short time, for with this knowledge comes reality. The untruthful comforts and hopes born out of fear and feeling ‘no part of the world’ specifically the real world, have to be equated with the reality. Now anyone can seek out information and truth and here lies the current dilemma of many in mankind….

    Truth or comfort?

    And this is how one movement born out of the fears and passions of a confused linen salesman leaves several million confused souls, one hundred years on….

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Truth. Every time. But still living the lie. That can't be healthy!

    Nicely put snare..

  • SAHS

    “snare&racket”: “. . . when the time came for personal analysis, not only had they inherited comfort but great, great fears. They found they had lost not only freedom of thought and question but also autonomy itself, . . . But now we move toward a new era, . . . An age of information where all are free to seek knowledge and all knowledge is seek-able and free, not even requiring a voluntary donation. . . . Truth or comfort?”

    An interesting analysis, for sure. I think that the ability to search for objective truth and accept wherever that leads, in a mindful and pragmatic way, does, in fact, bring comfort in itself. Trying to hang on to and maintain old delusions doesn’t really bring comfort in the long run because that only fosters dissonance – and frustration.

    I think that “nice” little fables (“allegories”) can have some positive or comforting effect on people, especially the very young, such as Walt Disney classics (remember that song, “When you wish upon a star”?) or Santa Claus (What do you want for Christmas, Billy?), etc. However, if an intelligent adult were to keep waiting for star wishes to come true or expecting the drunken old Santa Claus from the local shopping mall to actually drive to his house in the wee hours of December 25th morning and drop off a new 80-inch flat screen TV while knowing full well deep in his subconscious that it is all simply untrue, then instead of any actual comfort he could only expect a good dose of dissonance and frustration. (Not that too many intelligent adults would go line up and sit on Santa’s lap to ask for a big TV – that would be rather delusional and cheeky, for sure . . . not to mention a possible free pass to the local psyche ward for some professional observation.) While little kids might possibly expect a flat screen TV or a PlayStation 4 or a pony or whatever, the big intelligent adults know what they must to do to actually attain the things they want by themselves; i.e., work their asses off and save (or at least build up a big credit line account – whatever does the trick).

    So, to answer the original poster’s question “Truth or comfort?,” I would say that those two things do not have to be mutually exclusive. There is no reason they can’t properly and sincerely fit together – i.e., with a little mindfulness you can have both!

  • galaxie

    Knowing truth as opposed to a jw contrived truth paradoxically a falsehood, surely brings comfort.

    Best wishes.

  • snare&racket

    Couldn't agree more, once you decide truth. It is ironically very comforting, but it is only something experienced when you cross the threshold of letting go the living forever on a paradise earth, on someone else's land at the expense of your God murdering everyone alive on earth...

  • sparrowdown

    If you make an agreement based on a lie, is it reasonable to renig on that agreement, once you discover it is a lie?

    Abso-bloody-lutely it is. Give up on the lie people and step off into the rest of your life.

  • DisArmed


    Truth every single time. Years of thinking, "this can't be right," led to seeking information. Once I read COC and then logged onto internet sites, (hell, I'd never heard about the Great Pyramid Fiasco until then) the information poured in. Once I let go of living forever, (tough, i really did believe) and not seeing relatives again by way of some great resurrection, I was free and could move forward. For any lurkers out there, information, education and truth are the keys. It's not easy, the longer you've been in, it seems the harder to get out. It can be done as many on this site can attest.

  • snare&racket


    It is as easy as making a desicion, it's not even difficult if you are honest, its's just a big one!

    Despite what they would have you believe, the sky does not fall onto your head when you decide to simply question what you have been told. Though, in honesty, your life will never be the same again.

    Anonymous JW readers out there, sound a little scary? Ask yourself why? It shouldn't be scary at all......if it is all true.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    True dat. They like to keep it scary as a level of control. Gits.

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