what JWs will say at armagedon!?

by Crazyguy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy

    "But we did this in your father's name and we said that in your father's name,,,,oh crap!"


    IF the Bible has truth in it, and IF there is a BIG A, then I would like to believe that most humans will be spared. I cannot imagine a loving GOD killing off ignorant JWs who were just decieved.

    Perhaps we will fall into the " slave who did not know, so did not perform" category!?!?

    At this point I believe that it's more likely that Alien Greys concocted the Bible to enslave humanity by keeping them divided. Then when they die, YHWH, the leader of the aliens, can eat their souls. His "Chariot" runs on the life energy of the recently deceased. Now Satan, the good guy, is fighting a cosmic war to rid the galaxy of YHWH. He wants us to be like"GOD", self-actualizing beings, living in freedom.

    That would make a much better story/movie IMO. Charlize Theron could play the part of Lilith! Hmmm, I may need to write this down.

    Saying that some ancient scrolls that no one can agree upon are from GOD is pretty out there. My imagined story makes more sense.


  • Crazyguy

    Yep mankind being fucked for 6000 plus years because a woman ate a piece of fruit, but he's a loving god. Yeah your story is better. In my first post I was just making a joke since the entire NT is about Jesus being the messiah and ones being called to him and his followers, yet the jws think they can by pass all that.

    Happy holiday everyone.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I will say, "Let the will of Jehovah take place." (Acts 21:14)


    Then Jeehoober will say unto Awatcher, " For the reason that thou didst knowingly visit apostate websites, thereby disrespecting the Holy FDS, I shall cast ye into the lake of fire!!"

    You will change your tune! REPENT and partake of the emblems you hard-hearted sinner!!!


  • WTWizard

    As with the cat lick inquisition, joke-hova is destroying everyone for trying to be the best they can be.

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