Guestbook on Silentlambs

by mpatrick 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mpatrick

    Has anyone been over to the silentlambs website and read the guestbook since the Dateline show? Here are a couple of replies I thought were rather sickening-

    Remote User:
    29 May 2002
    Number one: All JW's that are responding to this website remember, you should not be looking, reading, or responding to any website that could be construed as Apostate. So your response indicates you don't believe it is an apostate website. There in lies the problem. Quite a quandary.

    Secondly, I find it quite interesting that the so-called witnesses (those defending the WT and their actions) are somewhat hostile in their writing and quite un-Christian, lacking the fruitage of the spirit. Did Jesus justify the Pharisees and Scribes? Was Judas considered a good apostle? Let's just call a spade a spade. Pedophiles are perverts who should be turned over to the proper authorities upon discovery. Anyone who feels the congregation will be benefited by hiding their disgusting behavior is doing nothing more than endorsing the perversion itself.

    Thirdly, why are those trying to defend the faith (admittedly quite poorly) not including their email addresses for any rebuttal? Anyone...Anyone...? I'll tell you why...they are inane fools. Is that redundant? For anyone that wants to contact me, here is my email address [email protected]

    Remote User:
    29 May 2002
    You know, I laugh in your face. What a pitiful program. How could you try to attack those good people? Disgruntled employees...that's what you all sound like. Who can have pity for lying lambs and the 'shepherd' that created this fake, phoney, and fraud of a website. Oh please, every religion has a little bad in it. But you all act like the Jehovah's are the worse thing on earth. I saw that Dateline show. What was it suppose to prove? Listen, in those few cases you showed the criminals where thrown out of the religion and sent to jail. What more do you want? The death penalty? Blood? And the people on this site who claim they were abused...why didn't you call the police when it happened...why don't you do so now??????? The Catholics are doing that even after years. If you really claim something happened then do something about it. If someone committed a crime against me or my family I would not be afraid to go to the police. I would want justice immediately. Instead, we have lying lambs here who claim crimes against them but they stay 'silent.' That's so stupid. You people make it bad for those who really had something done to them. And I'm really curious as to what I would find if I went through some of your closets??? You know they say that an abuser of children often commits the same crime. How many of you have touched little Johnny or Jane? Curious. sign me, Roman ( [email protected])
  • peaceloveharmony

    god some people suck

  • mpatrick

    Here is a real winner-

    Remote User:
    29 May 2002
    First I want to say to all of you who CLAIM that you are still a JW but you're on the side of these lamb people, why dont you just quit going to the hall.Apparently you're living a double life. I guess you know of the scrip. about the dog returning to its vomit, then actually thats what you're doing. I am not saying I agree with covering anything up, BUT you dont know the whole story. My Best friend is from that congergation in KY so there is another side to this story. Ask the so called brother who is helping that woman to go to court WHY he really stepped down from being an elder??? I bet he won't tell you!! Let me give you a hint. PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE. He didnt get the position in the hall he wanted so this is how he deals with it. Its sad how Satan is using this in the last day thinking he is scoring and some of our very own brother and sisters are going down with him. Most of you are smarter than that. You know when someone makes a stink everyone wants to join in and how approritate being that we are on the threshold of the last days!!! There was so many things wrong in those interviews. You so called JW's didnt catch it??? When do we say we are directly talking to Satan when we talk to someone in the world? I have been raised in the truth and never have I heard that. Aren't we not supposed to judge?? It's not up to us who the sheeps and goats are, only Jehovah can read the hearts, right??? So why would we say we're talking to Satan? WAKE up People!! The lady who won her court case, look at her dad, did he look like a JW? Regardless, Jehovah didnt do the molesting, if its true that it happened, a human being did. Do you get mad at Jehovah, do you take it out on him? Remember he is not running this world, 2 Cor. 4:4. Did yall forget?? They will get taken care!! Maybe its not when and how you want it. But it will. In the video in last nite's program the kids were blowing out candles?? for what? Birthdays? If they were in the truth were they borderline JW's? ONly when it appealed to them they were JW's??? Another picture had kids with markings on their face, was it halloween or was it that lady claiming she wanted to disfigure herself because of what happened. They claimed they were JW's when that picture was taken, I DONT THINK SO!! IF someone had done wrong they need punished but you dont leave Jehovah. If this were the case they why dont half of you leave the USA seeing that Bush had prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks?? or is that different since he doesnt know Jehovah? It also says in the bible that in the end the love of the greater number will cool off. Is the cooling off period?? At the end of her interview when she won her case she said praise god, praise the lord???????? What in the world? Since when do JW's talk like that? or now she doesnt believe in Jehovah? Remember what is done in the dark will come to light. Also Paul said to the first annointed ones THATS WHAT SOME OF YOU WERE! There was probally plenty that fell away after that, that got replaced but they chose to do wrong. We are not robots, you dont program us to do good and we do good, we wish it was that easy. The elders cant read your heart or your mind. Sometimes they try to and make bad descions but Jehovah will straighten it out. Well enough of this, I just hope you ones who still love Jehovah will pray about this. Everything will get taken care of when Jehovah sees fit. I hope you dont lose out on your life because of PRIDE!!
  • peaceloveharmony

    this wait on jehovah crap really gets old doesn't it? *puke*

  • Reborn2002

    One must remind themselves that those who are faithful, hardcore JW are, as the Dateline program so eloquently pointed out: arrogant in the respect that they believe no other human beings, regardless of color, creed, lifestyle, belief, or actions, will be spared in the "Great Tribulation" for the simple reason that THEY ARE NOT JW's.

    How much more egotistical and fanatical can you get than that? To state publicly and in writing that no other people on earth are worthy of redemption simply because they are of a different faith? To wish the imminent destruction of billions?

    Are you surprised that those so heavily indoctrinated will blindly defend the organization which gives them such sickening promises TO LOOK FORWARD TO?

    Think of Osama bin Laden.

    One cannot rationalize with madness.

  • ashitaka

    bttt-examples of idiocy

  • mpatrick

    Here is another loving response for all to enjoy-

    Remote User:
    29 May 2002
    WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?! LIES,LIES,LIES!!!! Thats all I see here.This to the person who said your family been J.W for 30 years, there so many holes in what you are saying.You clearly know not of what you are speaking of. First of all J.W DO NOT tell anyone it is alright to divorce their mate wheiter outside or in congretation they teach that there is only one ground for divorce.Unlike other people all over in world who divorce just because they want someone new.What studip thing to say.Our overseers DO NOT interperat the bible.You could give any elder in my congretation your bible and they will back all J.W's teaching.THE ONLY IGNORANT I SEE IS PEOPLE HERE.The are no facts behind what you said.Most of my family members are not J.W but I am still close to them. My cousin,who is a J.W's, just graduted from high school last week she had a party ,there were J.W and non J.W family at this party.So you are mistaken there too.Being raised up by J.W has not been easy because of always hearing that people are so hateful without know you personal.BUT I love my parent and my family who give me support very much.I am sixteen years old now and very happy and the people my age that I know are VERY SECURE!! I'm not miserable,i have friends just like any other teenager and I am surely NO PART of any CULT!! The statement was also made that J.W are afraid of being alone with non J.Ws. WHAT ABOUT ALL THE KIDS THAT GO TO SCHOOL!?!?!WHAT ABOUT WHEN AT WORK?!?!I go to school everyday and I have at times play with the kids on my street! My dad carpool with a NON J.W to work everyday! And about taking disibility or taking up social security or using V.A hospitals,all these sercives we had to pay for at some point just like everyone else. We respect the government and we odey all the laws in this country.The only unhappy,miserable ,insecure, hypocritical, messed up people are you and people like you.


  • mpatrick

    Now this is the kind of post I like to see-

    Remote User:
    29 May 2002
    I have been studying with JW for almost a year--after seeing that progam on Dateline I am stopping my study. I cannot be part of an organization that allows this horrible crime to be swept under the rug. My heart broke and I cried when I saw the program. I really thought that I had found the truth but my heart will never feel the same knowing how they handle pedafiles(sp?) The victims are treated like the criminals and the CRIMINALS are treated like victims--shame on these people. Former JW beliver Nancy McComb
  • bajarama

    I remember when I would look at the silentlambs website a see a few thousand hits on the counter. Now there are over 80,000. I know I haven't looked at the page that often.

    I was just over on the main page of SL hitting refresh and watching the counter jump by 5 & 10 hits every couple of seconds.


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