Study Article In 15/2/15 WT Praises Peace in Twentieth Century

by BluesBrother 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    For a hundred years or so The WTS has been drumming into it's readers that these are "Critical times" and the "Last days" are marked by warfare , destruction & bloodshed. A typical quote might be this :

    Wt 1996 4/1 p 19

    That an age of turmoil dawned early in the 20th century has been acknowledged by many. For example, in the foreword of the book Pandaemonium, by U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, published in 1993, a comment on “the catastrophe of 1914” reads: “War came and the world changed—utterly. There are today just eight states on earth which both existed in 1914 and have not had their form of government changed by violence since then. . . . Of the remaining 170 or so contemporary states, some are too recently created to have known much recent turmoil.” Truly, the era since 1914 has witnessed catastrophe upon catastrophe!
    Also published in 1993 was the book Out of Control—Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century. The author is Zbigniew Brzezinski, former head of the U.S. National Security Council. He writes: “The onset of the twentieth century was hailed in many commentaries as the real beginning of the Age of Reason. . . . Contrary to its promise, the twentieth century became mankind’s most bloody and hateful century, a century of hallucinatory politics and of monstrous killings. Cruelty was institutionalized to an unprecedented degree, lethality was organized on a mass production basis. The contrast between the scientific potential for good and the political evil that was actually unleashed is shocking. Never before in history was killing so globally pervasive, never before did it consume so many lives, never before was human annihilation pursued with such concentration of sustained effort on behalf of such arrogantly irrational goals.” How true that is!

    Surprisingly the latest study issue takes a different tone. The first article describes how the spread of early Christianity was aided by the Pax Romana and the stability of the Roman Empire. Then this article says this about our present times.

    WT 15/2 2015 "Jehovah Guides Our Global Preaching Work"

    "7 The conclusion of World War II did not bring total peace. According to one count, there were 331 episodes of armed conflict between 1946 and 2013. Millions died. During those years, however, many countries enjoyed relative peace, and Jehovah’s people took advantage of that situation to proclaim the good news. What has been the result? In 1944, there were fewer than 110,000 Kingdom publishers worldwide. Today, there are some 8,000,000! (Read Isaiah 60:22.) Are we not thankful when we can preach the good news under peaceful conditions"

    NB A study review Question is "How have we made use of peaceful conditions and convenient transportation"

    Surely this is a U turn of the highest order? So our days are peaceful....great but does that not contradict their message? ......I have little doubt that this will prove to be a one-off (like an article once that said that earthquakes had not increased) and that another article or public edition will go back to the claims about the fact that "Peace has been taken away from the Earth"

    But it is interesting , isn't it?

  • LP97

    I think the WTS may be beginning to drop the whole "Armageddon's just around the corner" and instead just say that it'll come whenever Jehovah wills it. I remember Lett on JW Broadcasting said that today's youngsters are the elders of tomorrow or something along those lines...I think they are beginning to accept they can't just constantly say "it's coming any day now" because as time passes people will start to see through it.

    I don't know if this article indicates that by them actually acknowledging that life in the past 100 years has actually been pretty good for humanity, and much better than past centuries which any human with a logical mind and knowledge of history can probably figure out.

  • steve2

    An unmutable law of doomsday beliefs: Foresight is 100% correctable by hindsight.

    How else does a belief system premised on the nearness of the world's end survive over 2,000?

  • Tenacious

    I've always theorized about the 'peace' and 'chanting of peace' call and then 'sudden destruction' would come about.

    My theory on this is goes back to the year 1986 and that year being labeled by the U.N. as 'The International Year of Peace'. They will start to put out tidbits like the one you denote, in magazines in order to set-up their major announcement of how there has been relative peace (no major world war), and then they will take some quotes out of context and say how that was the 'peace' announced in the Bible. Therefore, we can now only await the start of 'The Great Tribulation'.

    It just all sounds quite plausible to me.

  • alanv

    Yes I had a quick read through of it and you can see they hate to admit it but they have showed that many things have improved in the last 100 years.

    This will be useful to show our family and friends who are still in the cult.

  • WTWizard

    They try having it both ways. First, if you only count those who are sincerely trying to obey the rules, rather than those just going through the motions because they don't have any choice or are turning in fake time slips, there are nowhere near 8 million. Perhaps closer to 3 million.

    Second, they are trying to proclaim war as proof that the end is near. Then, when peace dominates most of the world, they take that as proof that the end is near. You cannot have a condition with neither war nor peace because peace is the absence of war. The "Peace and security" proclamation requires both peace and security. You cannot have security when food shortages are looming, you have a dollar that is ready to become toilet paper at any time, you don't know whether you are going to pay 2 toilet papers a gallon or 5 for gas (or, 1 1/2 toilet papers or 3 per liter in Europe, where the euro is just as unstable as the "dollar"). You cannot have security while Israel is blowing up schools and hospitals, or kidnapping Palestinians and blaming Palestine (which sounds familiar when you understand how they conquered Canaan in the LIE-ble). Will that start an energy crisis? Or another major war? People simply cannot have security with that type of uncertainty.

    Besides, the jokehovians do not use astrology. Those at the top do use astrology, but everyone under them is forbidden from doing so. If anyone studied astrology, they would realize that there is little danger of global war until Saturn conjuncts Pluto at nearly exactly 22 o 45 ' of Capricorn. That is an aspect that favors major world wars, and is not coming until January 2020. Do active jokehovians use astrology to try and predict this? Or to predict when the dollar is due to become toilet paper? If they would pay more attention to this and less to the "War is proof that the end is nigh, and peace is proof that the end is nigh", they might have a better chance of doing something to prepare for, or even prevent, it.

  • steve2

    It's a lot like reading tea leaves: The listener would not have a clue how you read the tea leaves but is willing to succumb to your "expertise". That the leaves mean something different today than what they meant last week is unimportant. You, the listener, go with the flow.

    It is not unlike reading the so-called "signs of the times" which are posited as the very worst ever - but as the years roll by, declaring the signs as the very worst ever wears thin. You are forced to put a different spin on your "tea leaves".

    Russell saw the year 1799 as the start of the time of the end - and 1914 as the absolute end date for that time. Rutherford, smart tea leaf reader, knew 1799 was receding into the mists of time so ditched that date and - this was risky but also clever - had the time of the end start in 1914. Who protested? Oh, only a handful who were kicked out for their "murmurings". And who today in the organization knows this or more tellingly, even cares? None that I know of. The willingness to succumb to the GB tea leaf readers is robustly predictable.

    You read - and/or listen to - tea leaves not for truth but to support whatever you want them to support. Keep that unerring principle in mind and you will never ever again be bitten twice by tea leaf readers near and far.

  • sir82

    I think they've used the "preaching work has expanded due to peaceful conditions" trope on occasion in the past - it sounds familiar to me.

    Of course, with these nitwits, who knows. It's conceivable it could be an early step in gradually working in some sort of change in doctrine.

  • steve2

    And, if you could go back in time to the immediate post-world-war-two period, with smoke, ashes and the stench of death in the air, you'd hear the Witnesses' big loud declaration that the world was on its last legs and would not last much longer. And this was decades before the alarm over 1975.

    What chronic suckers humankind is to the razzle-dazzle entrancement of the signs of the end.

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