JW Hate Mail!

by Englishman 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I received this email today. Obviously someone can`t come to terms with the fact that so called "Apostates" have a better life and better morals than JW`s! Here it is:

    Subj: how dare you
    Date: 23/02/2001 02:02:29 GMT Standard Time
    From: KwesiHotboy
    To: Mikehooperz

    you are fulfilling prophecy you are a joke and you will reap what you sow.................can you honestly say that your life is better without jah........NO can you say that you are at peace ..............NO have you any foundation ..............NO you are a joke and a coward and i would love to meet you so i could show you how disgraceful you are behaving i am 19 and i bet you have a SWAG job a SWAG life and SWAG disgusting friends .................but none will make it unless you try and change..........i bet

    you joke
    you waste

    (Can someone please tell me what SWAG means? - Englishman)

  • Englishman

    OOPS!!! Sorry, everyone, I didn`t see that someone had already started a thread on this subject, abject apologies to all.

    Englishman removing foot from mouth.....

  • Prisca

    hmmm... so why was this kid wasting his time emailing "apostates" - instead of studying his Watchtowers or even better, the BIBLE???? Or being out in the preaching work? Or helping his Mum around the house? Or mowing the lawn? Helping the elderly ones in his congregation?

    And don't bother emailing me with your answer Kwesi honey, I've blocked you from my email account.

  • TR


    I think SWAG means; Strong, Witty, Absolute Genius. My interpretation, anyway.


  • ChuckD

    I am feeling left out. I haven't gotten hate mail from an illiterate JW defender for several weeks now.

  • larc


    I used to work with engineers who had to estimate how long it would take to finish a project. They called their estimating technique SWAG, which stood for: Scientific Wild Assed Guess.

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