Reflection about Matthew 18:1-4

by Mr Fool 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    In Matthew 18:1-4: who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

    1. Is it an open-minded little child who is still free from opinions and beliefs?

    2. Or a little child with the same opinions, denials and convictions as any hard core JW?

    I would vote for no1, but according to WT, my interpretation is probably influenced by Satan.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Always keep in mind what the "kingdom of Heaven" meant to them. Do not allow the WTS's depiction colour your thinking.

    For Jesus, the Kingdom was an imminent, practical, visible era that had already commenced. The kingdom was totally fixated on the Jews, which would see them released from subservience and they would be restored to their rightful position.

    For Matthew 18 in particular, keep in mind that the purpose of the Gospel is to prove to (other) Jews that Jesus was indeed their promised Messiah; and for Jews this meant a strong warrior king who would overthrow their enemies. The problem for the Jews was that rather than defeating the Romans oppressors, Jesus was killed by them.

    The sole message of the Gospel of Matthew was to prove to Jews that Jesus fulfilled the expectations set out in their own writings. The only requirement of doctrinal belief set out in that Gospel is the need to completely observe all of the (OT) Law and Prophets to the letter (and beyond), driven from within, not for reasons of external show.


  • mistified

    both. if you have same characteristics as a jw, you are bound be like a child

  • Ish Elon
    Ish Elon

    Who is the greatest in the Kingom of Heaven?

    The answer is the 2 Witnesses or the 2 anointed ones.

    Golden Liquid or anointing oil is produced by the 2 olive trees and that oil is transferred into a golden bowl which has pipes that transfer the liquid to the lampstand. The 2 witnesses theme runs throughout the scriptures. They are Moses and Elijah. They are Adam and Jesus. They have always been seperated from the rest of their brothers. They have been destined from the founding of the world. They are the Spirit of the Truth. They are the Word of the Lord Jesus that will judge all. They represent Jehovah and Jesus as Rulers on earth. They are the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. Jehovah chose them as firstfruits of his Creation. In them all creation is in eager expectation to see their glorious freedom of God.

    They are reresented in Ishmael and Isaac. They are two nations that will both be great. They are Esau and Jacb, They are The ten Tribe and the 2 Tribe Nations. They are Judah and Ephraim. They are the two sticks that will become one stick in the hand of Jehovah. They are Shiloh and Emmanuel. They are the firstborn sons of Jesus. That makes them holy and Jehovah himself places them at his right and left hand. They are also the 2 lions standing next to Jesus represented by the ivory throne of Solomon. On the footstool were six steps. On each step were 2 lions. altogether 14 lions representing the throne

    The same as Jacob who had 14 sons.

    The kingdom has been given to Holy ones of the Supreme One. These two are the stone of stumbling and the rockmass of offense.

    Gods Kingdom has been born on earth. Its about to strike the feet on the image of Nebuchadnezar. The image that was bright but fearful. So Flee to God's Kingdom...

  • M*A*S*H

    Yes, that sounds bang on Ish.

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