REPUTATION and disfellowshipping.....stories

by problemaddict 2 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    A friend of mine is getting disfellowshipped. Someone with a kind heart, and good rep. He knows how I feel, remains my firend, and we have respectful conversation. Without revealing too much, lets just say the reason he is being disfellowshipped is for family problems. But I know these people intimately. Its something crazy to be DF'd for. Take my word for it.

    He and his wife have been separated for a while. (He was an elder and stepped down on his own because he felt he wasn't presiding over his houshold in a fine manner). Yep......that type of guy. When he was telling me, he was mentioning how everyone would assume he cheated on his wife, which hurt him because he really loves her and has tried to deal with her etc....

    It reminded me of something I saw as a kid.

    A man in the hall was announced as disfellowshipped at the local announcements as was typical at the time.

    He ran up on stage and turned around to everyone and said loudly....."It was just for one cigarrette!!!"

    Then he stepped down and walked out. It wasn't my hall, I never know what happened to him. It remeinded me that part of the discipline seems to be humiliation. Assasination of character. At the time I thought it was inappropriate. Later i thought it was funny. Now I think it was courageous.

    Anyone go out with a bang that you know?

  • Over%forme

    A brother giving the talk

    on Sunday, When he finished,

    said "The Bible is history,it's true History

    but it's History."

    He was disfellowshiped later.

    I thought something when that

    happened but stayed in way too long.

    So good to be out now.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    You think he was in trouble for stating the bible was history? What was the context of that comment.

  • Over%forme

    When he made that comment,

    I felt he was trying to tell us

    something and it took me too many

    years for it to sink in. I feel the Bible is

    History and has no meaning for us today.

  • Balaamsass2

    Yes disfellowshipping is character assassination. So is "Private" reproof and "marking"- nothing private about these. In fact if a servant/elder/pioneer simply steps aside or is removed some Elders will use this as opportunity to even a "score" and create a "cloud" on that JWs reputation.

  • laverite

    In my experience (unless there were rumors to the contrary) any time anyone was disfellowshipped, the assumption was that it was because of sexual "immorality." I was aware of this from a relatively young age because of the Kingdom Hall "chatter." I remember a few times sitting in the general vicinity of a DF'd person at the Hall and feeling extremely dirty, as if their (perceived) sexual "immorality" could rub off on me. I was also really freaked out by any DF'd person in the Hall as I knew they were associated with "wickedness" and I was terrified of Satan using them to get to me, just by being close by in the same hall.

  • KateWild

    I was df'd for exposing domestic violence. My ex lied to the elders about the violence and I said he was a liar, and got DF'd for reviling. Kate xx

  • joe134cd

    It's just best to leave out the back door before it gets to that point. I'm sure if I stayed I would of got a JC for apostacy.

  • Fernando

    Yup, dare to question or disagree, and the apostate Pharisees will move swiftly to discredit, marginalise and kill (aka d/f) their detractor, to preserve apostate clericalism and apostate magisterium.

    2,000 years and nothing has changed.

  • fulltimestudent

    It remeinded me that part of the discipline seems to be humiliation.

    Of course. Those who deviate from the way, must be taught to humble themselves under the hand of the ALL BLOODY MIGHTY GOD. Its been that way from the start of Christianity.

    So those still in, who fear disfellowshipping, learn a lesson. You will be disfellowshipped by men, because you have disobeyed MEN. And, if you're family wants to discipline you also, tell them to F*K OFF, and go find yourself a new family.

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