JWs, Rules, Laws and the Zone Meeting

by TheListener 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    My takeaway from the zone visit and the reaction of some dubs I know and some I've read on here is this:

    Dubs don't care what their actual religious beliefs are or how they change but they do seem to care a lot about having any specific counsel discussed from the platform.

    I guess this makes them a lot like everyone else, and maybe now we know what the WTS achilles heel may be.

  • punkofnice

    Possibly. In the old days lunatics like Freddir Franz and cold hearted businessmen like Knorr were shrouded in mystery. No one knew who wrote the books and these blokes were rarely seen. I wonder how many JWs would have woken up if these idiots had come to the fore.

    Now the current GB are demanding to be worshipped and obeyed their stupidity, vitriol and evil is seeping out into JW land.

  • skeeter1

    No matter how slick looking JW.ORG or this new TV is, it isn't going to get new converts. Why? Becuase the message hasn't changed. The pig is still a pig, and you can't put lipstick on a pig and expect to call it a starlet. This coveted meeting was a perfect example.

    The "not marry a brother unless he's an MS by 23" comment has to be due to the fact that there are not men reaching out to advance in the congregations. It's as much of an admonishment to women, as it is a carrot to men. You want to married (i.e. get laid), then you better be pursuing Kingdom interests first and look like you want to be an MS before you are 23.

    They also admitted that there weren't enough Bible studies. It's a dying religion (not by $$, becuase of their real estate sell-off), but becuase of not attracting new followers. These rules and encouraging people to visit Bethel is a tightening of the behavior of the ones that remain. And, Bethel's morale must be dwindling. Evidenced by the fact tht there was an actual announced, worldwide admonishment that they don't have a good work ethic. That's not a good image to project to the rank & file. The R&F should have the idea that Bethel is hard at work, and that they are the slackers to get out to convert. Now, the R&F know that Bethel slacks as much in their jobs as they do in going door-to-door in service. It's all a half-hearted effort, and the coffee shops and walking slowly is a-ok. And, getting visitors to Bethel is a way to perpetrate the image that they are leading a great nationof Christians and it will boost Bethel's morale.

    Dying religion. That's my take between the lines.


    I never thought of this, but it is a Branch Meeting. It isn't really for the congregations in general. This tells me that Bethel/ house of God ( LOL!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHahahahahahahahahah...HA!!) is having the same problems as any other Jw congregation. Like what?

    1) Being tired and being late to work.

    Sure, punctuality is important, but people get tired. In the real world, people get pay checks and have office parties and holidays off. If you are at Bethel, you get none of that. You take a vow of poverty and there is never an END. TOMO says," You will get paid SOMEDAY...." These a-holes even plan conventions on holiday weekends, that's how self-righteous they are. You NEVER get a day off unless you "steal" it from God and feel guilty.

    2) Tight pants and snug fitting workout clothes.

    HORROR OF HORRORS!!!!! Human beings wearing tight clothes that reveal their God-given form. The workout technology available now is awesome. I remember my first Underarmour shirt. I was in a hot barn, throwing hay bales, muscles rippling, sweat glistening, ( go ahead, fantasize, you know you want too) I would walk to the window and let the moisture wicking fabric do its work! It was a life saver!

    TOMO would have us wearing Rocky-esque sweat suits all day! The real key is that your gear is "appropriate" for your activity. What's next? No freestlye swimming because you wear what looks like underwear? No beach volleyball because bikinis are not allowed? I guess those dumb ass pictures of JW cult members on the beach in service clothes are TOMO's idea of God approved attire. Then again, this is the same A-hole that plans a campaign in August, when people have heat stokes.

    3) Movies

    I don't have time to get into movies. Basically, the youth of Bethel are getting tired of the same shit. They are sneaking off to the city to wear tight pants and see hot people in tight workout clothes. They are young mammals, trying to be free, trying to express themselves and their sexuality. Nothing has changed about humans, but it has been 100 friggin years since the fabled invisible reign of Jesus began.

    The WTBTS is losing on many levels, money, court cases, credibility, youth ( which equals FUTURE money, credibility, power..), is it any wonder they want HQ moved to the sticks?!?! Only the most indoctrinated and fearful will follow, which is what the future WTBTS leaders want anyway.

    Rant over....


  • aintenoughwiskey

    True, they don't care about doctrine, and most have only a surface knowledge of it anyway. It's all man made rules and "listen obey and be blessed". If TOMO anounced that sniffing bicycle seats was the new measure of spiriturality, I know people who would do it. They have been crying wolf for over 100 years and people are tuning out. It's sad to see all the wasted potential. I've seen my share of Elders with the 1000 yard stare from cramming doubts down into the pit of there stomach.

  • BU2B

    In the past, the standard of modesty was wearing clothes APPROPIATE for what you were doing. Like a swimsuit, while appropiate on the beach, would not be on Main st. Therefore workout clothes would be appropiate for WORKING OUT.

    I think AMIII was just ranting, and doubt many of the other GB members would even agree with him, especially since Loesch is famous for sunbathing on the bethel roof in a speedo!

  • skeeter1

    Data Dog, there is nothing hotter than a woman wearing riding britches. Those pants even have leather between the legs. And, the tan colored ones show each and every curve, much better than any black yoga pants. (Ok, got to clean my computer keyboard off).

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "The WTBTS is losing on many levels, money, court cases, credibility, youth ( which equals FUTURE money, credibility, power..), is it any wonder they want HQ moved to the sticks?!?! Only the most indoctrinated and fearful will follow, which is what the future WTBTS leaders want anyway."


    One of the first signs a high-control group is really going off the rails is when they start pruning out the riffraff and "headin' up to the country".

  • respectful_observer


    ToMoIII just saw your post and has announced that all JW women must dispose of their breeches and only ride side saddle from this day forward.

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