PHOTO : Anthony Morris with ....tight pants on !

by raymond frantz 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Just for laughs someone photoshopped that .I wonder why ...

    The letter that proves the sell off Kingdom Halls in Britain

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh that's good!

    Reminds me of the picture someone posted of ToMo3 wearing a "sparlock" tie!

    anyone remember that one?

  • alanv

    I can certainly see why the society would want to use the Kingdom Halls now for up to four congregations. They certainly are not concerned with witnesses paying more to travel to one that is not in their area. Meanwhile if any halls are being rented they can go, and for owned halls either in good or bad condition they can be sold off. Its a win, win situation for Watchtower, they get more money coming in at the expense of the sheep.

  • Heaven

    Well done!

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    So I guess he must really approve of these guys:

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