JW`s claim to follow 1st Century christians ,identifying them as true christians distinguishing them from false christians of christendom.

by smiddy 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • smiddy

    They critisize the dress code of modern society , that may be permitted at a church of christendom , jeans , slacks worn by women , denim skirts worn by women ,spanx worn by women who have been exercising ,jogging shoes , no tie`s worn by men , beards on men , long hair by men, sandals ,thongs, flipflops , and i`m sure their are many more you can think of .

    None of these dress codes/styles are tolerated at jehovahs witness meetings , if you try turning up in any of this attire you will be counselled to change your ways after a few of your attempts.

    So if they have a problem which they do , why dont they instruct the faithfull to truly follow the 1st century christians by wearing the traditional dress that was worn in bible times , for men and women . meh-eel .

    Why dont they allow men to have beards and long hair and sandals that was a requirement for gaining approval of God in the first century.

    The fact of the matter is they give lip service to following the first century christians , however the reality , is they dont.


  • Paralipomenon

    When they bring that up, I innocently ask them how long the first century model lasted before becoming corrupted by apostasy. After they answer, I ask, 'so you base your leadership model on something that almost immediately failed and turned away from God"?

    They don't appreciate that.

  • Phizzy

    On the matter of dress, the JW's would claim to follow the same "principles" as the Ist Century Christians, which like most Fundie groups they think of as being just one Group, whereas the Christ Movement was made up of several factions from the start.

    This following the example of the Ist Century lot, as to dress code, is simply not done by the JW's, it is another lie.

    Just look at how as you travel around you can pick them out a mile off, look at how different they look from normal people as they troop in to their Conventions and Kingdom Halls.

    Their "Exemplar" J.C melted in to a crowd and disappeared when a mob wanted to kill him, today's JW's couldn't. J.C wore the normal clothes of his day for a male Jew, and this was while he was visiting Bethel ! (The Temple).

  • TheOldHippie

    Our PO has a beard and wears sandals - also when giving public talks ....................

  • erbie

    In truth, if Jesus turned up to one of their meetings they wouldnt accept him.

  • WTWizard

    I am criticizing their dress code as stupid. Why do you need a stupid tie? What is wrong with jeans, in good condition and fitting properly (that is, not dangling halfway down)? Nothing. Why do "sisters" need dress skirts? To me, this just benefits the dry cleaning industry.

    It is also not practical attire in field circus. The ideal attire is having appropriate shirts (no suit coats). Polo shirts, if neat and in good condition, will do fine. Pants should be in good condition, and not halfway down. They should be launderable. (This is to save money and the environment.) Sneakers should be worn in situations where walking long distances is probable, and pointed high heels should not be worn because they are not good for the feet if worn for prolonged periods. Shoes may be worn if they are comfortable and fit well--I have good work shoes from L.L. Bean that I wear in preference to sneakers just because they are more comfortable. Accessories should be comfortable and of good quality, not necessarily leather.

    Now, "sisters" wearing dresses and skirts should be contingent on the weather. These may be appropriate in hot weather (nylon stockings are not). But, when it gets near freezing, slacks and even jeans (in good condition) may be better. Dress shoes are not appropriate because they are bad for your feet when you walk long distances in them, or if it is icy or snowy. (They may, however, be worn for short periods where walking long distances is not likely.) For everyone, wearing shorts should be optional in very hot weather--especially when it is muggy. I don't, however, recommend shorts in very cold weather.

    To me, there is nothing "Christian" about mandating suits for field circus. A suit is meant to impress. Cheap crap suits defeat this purpose. And, when you are selling a message, you are better off dressed similar to what average business people dress, not something that is 50 or 60 years out of date. Making a big deal out of such petty rules is not the mark of xians, but of Pharisaic Jews. Now, if the law (corrupted already by Christi-SCAM-ity), permitted, I would see nothing wrong with going out stark naked in warm to hot weather. If that was universal, and people were allowed to appreciate natural attractiveness, it would force people to focus on the message and not the quality of their suit or their starched shirt and tie.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    JWs do not follow the first century model. First century christians followed the grass-roots, local congregation-focused model. JWs follow the hierarchical, global organization-focused model of the major churches of christendom.

    First century christians did not have any hierachical organization above the local congregation. Above the local congregation was Jesus acting through holy spirit and the angels. This was the invisible "organization" overseeing the "global" preaching work in the first century. There was no earthly international headquarters demanding monetary contributions from local congregations. There was no plethora of policies and procedures and paperwork coming from an international headquarters and taxing the valuable time of the local elders. The elders had lots of free time to be with their families and to tend to the actual practical and spiritual needs of christians in the local congregation. There was no great expenses resulting from the construction and maintenance of places of worship (kingdom halls). They met in homes. First century christians kept a "simple eye". They slaved for one master - God. Their service and loyalty was never divided between serving God and serving a demanding organization.

    By contrast, JWs have followed the major churches of christendom and created a showy, expensive, hierarchical beast of an organization that competes against God for the loyalty and service of the JWs. Every month they have to remit a substantive sum of the congregation's monetary contributions to feed the beast. The beast meddles in, and seeks to micro-manage the spiritual activities of the members of the local congregations, demanding that they gave monthly reports detailing how much hours the preached, how much literature they placed, etc. The beast is expensive to maintain and is greedy for money. The beast issues a plethora of guidelines and paperwork to distract the local elders away from their family obligations and seeing to the actual practical needs of the brothers in the local congregations. The beast has turned all the congregations into cold, paper-pushing, policy-stickling, red-tape constricted factories geared more toward furthering the interests of the beast than the actual welfare of the members in the congregations. The beast has local congregations engaging in the expensive and time-consuming act of constructing houses of worship - something that never entered the minds of 1st century christians, and which Jesus implicitly showed to be unnecessary, for "niether in this place or that place will you people worship the father" and "where ever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst" and again "keep your eye simple" and "stop storing up treasures on earth". The beast is greedy, the beast is materialistic, the beast is arrogant, the beast is callous, the beast is self-seeking and enages in all manner of unrighteousness deceptions, legal maneuverings and scripture twisting in its efforts to seek its own interests.

  • givemejustalittlemoretime


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