Peoples favorite toy

by Coded Logic 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I really do miss Christopher Hitchens. Truly a brilliant mind.

    "First, I've said repeatedly that religion cannot be taken away from people. It is their favourite toy. And it will remain their favourite toy as long as they're afraid of death.

    Second, I hope I've made it clear, that I'm perfectly happy for people to have these toys, and to play with them at home, and hug them to themselves and to share them with other people who come around and play with their toys. That's absolutely fine.

    However, they are NOT to make me play with these toys! I will not play with your toys. Don't bring the toys to my house, don't say my children must play with your toys, don't say that my toys -might be a condom - are not allowed by your toys. I'm not going to have any of that! Enough with clerical and religious bullying and intimidation. Is that finally clear? Have I got that across? Thank you!"

  • DesirousOfChange

    I can recall my favorite toy while growing up.

    But thanks to being raised a JW, I always felt guilty.


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