Dateline couldn't have come at a better time.....

by ofcmad 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ofcmad

    for me.
    Alright..please bear with me. I rarely write long posts, but I need to set up the scene for what is to come..

    Two years ago, my sister was pregnant. It was great that she and her MS husband were socializing with me and my husband. Our relationship was really establishing. During her entire pregnancy, I was there to help console both of them because they were having problems with my JW mother. Well, my sister had promised me that I could go see her deliver the baby. As the time got closer, (two weeks prior to delivery) my sister phonecalled me and stated that I couldn't go to the hospital because there were going to be other JW's there. (BTW, she wanted me there to throw my mother out of the hospital). Anyhoo...she promised again that she would call me after the delivery of the child. That never came to be. Why I was surprised, I don't know. I should have expected it.

    So time goes by, she stays in contact with my other ex-jw siblings. She told them that I "understood" why they had to shun me and that I was completely understanding.

    Well, this past February, I wrote them a 12 page letter. My ex-jw sister calls me last month. She advised me that the husband, the MS, had stepped down from his position. He advised her that he was really disturbed by the letter. He said that my mother, who is a pedophile-pioneer, never was allowed to touch their daughter. He was asking if the other siblings would testify against my mother in a judicial hearing. Lo and behold, the elders would not accept testimony from any d'fd, d'ad or other ex-witness of my family.

    Well..I know this isn't probably a big deal to others, but it was to me. Knowing that this letter has been bothering him for the past three months, and the turn down that he has gotten from the elders, I am going to tape tonite's episode of Dateline and mail it to them.

    I am praying that they finally wake up about this issue. BTW, I was fortunate to escape the sexual abuse from my mother. I am hoping that this Dateline episode really helps those that have been abused to realize they are not alone. And wake people up that the witnesses coming to their doors aren't so innocent.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I'm proud of you.
    I hope everything turns out okay for you and the rest of your family.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Your mother a pedophile? and a pioneer?

    You need to email dateline.
    I can't imagine growing up and living with this.

    I think Tallyman's Watchtower pictures truly dement from an early age. Sexual deviants are disturbed, acting out some overwhelming emotion of the oppressed oppressing back, something that they can actually control.

    36,000 kicked out in one year for immorality? So how many didn't they catch, and who would throw out themselves? How many are still in? They are breeding.

    I hope you can find some comfort somewhere. Look after those hurting, it will fill you up.

  • ofcmad

    thanks will,

    I have found comfort in knowing there really is a hell.



  • bluesapphire


    If you ever need a friend, email me and we'll correspond. I'm sorry about your story. It's so sad. I have a similar experience to share someday.

  • Billygoat


    I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Perhaps with you recording Dateline, your brother has some hope of escaping? You're in my thoughts. Keep your chin up - it'll get better!


  • Mimilly

    ofcmad - I'm very glad you posted this. I think it's SO bloody important for people to realize that BOTH women and men abuse children sexually. Society has this fantasy that women are all-loving; all-nurturing; all-protective. Bullfeathers!

    For this reason people gasp when they hear that women have abused or killed children. It's all utter nonsense. Both genders abuse and kill children - and it's an equal crime - and equally hideous.

    I was abused by both genders - so I speak from experience.

    I really hope you are able to be of assistance to your family on this one. Amazing though, how the elders dream up road-blocks eh?


  • Reborn2002


    Another example serving as testament to how many child molestation stories occur within the JW's that are brought to the surface only years after the fact.

    Yet the WTBTS adamantly refutes any accusations that their policies shield pedophiles.

    They are NO better than the Catholic Church.

    At least when exposed, the Catholic Church has admitted their is a problem.

    The WTBTS is too egotistical to admit they have a problem.

    Funny.. the largest denomination in "Christendom" controlled by Satan admits they have a problem and takes measures to rectify the matter... yet "Jehovah's organization" lies to the public and does little or nothing.

    What's wrong with this picture?

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