JWTV Reminds of "HI MY NAME IS....I'M PROUD TO BE MORMON" Campaign

by NoMoreHustle 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NoMoreHustle

    Just watched the latest installment of JW-TV November series. Uhh basically made me sick to my stomach! First thing that stood out to me is that during or after all the "Testimonys" of these individuals they start crying & getting all emotional. This is getting rediculous already.

    Be careful if you watch, I had to watch in small segments because I started to get BRAINWASHED!!!!

  • steve2

    Has the organization started to use the word "testimony"? I thought they always referred to these types of spiels, not as testimonies, but as "Experiences".

  • NoMoreHustle

    I inserted "testimonies". I know they are called "experiences" it just seemed fitting to me since they are just like every other religion now. Now they are Mainstream & All About The Money

  • AnnOMaly

    I had to skip through and only listened to seconds' long excerpts here and there. I was curious but at the same time in the wrong frame of mind, being nauseated at the GB's/WT's behavior in the Campos case.

    Again, it all looked slick yet fake; merely a veneer of spirituality and godliness. Jackson at one point said, after promoting a behind-the-scenes look at how 'The Prodigal Returns' video was made, "We are so well cared for spiritually with [blah-de-blah]. How much we appreciate the Governing Body adjusting our meeting times so that we can spend an evening each week for personal study or, if we're married, in Family Worship."

    Who's the 'we'? You, Jackson, are part of the GB. You really mean to say, "How YOU must greatly appreciate OUR adjustment of the meeting times ... "

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The Witnesses are NOT mainstream. It can be argued strongly that they are not even Christian b/c of the small, insignificant role Jesus plays in their theology/doctrines. Anyone could see that they should have used TV and other media long ago. The Christian broadcasters, such as Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyers draw millions, hundreds of millions from uninformed Christian. Their doctrines are not sound. Knocking on doors disturbs people's privacy expectations. Knocking on a door meant one thing in the 1920s and quite another now. I believe political campaigns should constrain their door to door activities. We live in an age of snooping and intrusion on a grand scale. If you notice the plethora of campaign commercials on TV and the Internet, paired with radio penetration, political campaigns see the message.

    Is this TV aimed at retaining Witnesses or attracting newcomers? I will not be watching it just as I do not watch Fox News or the Christian Broadcast stations. Perhaps the zealots could watch TV rather than traipsing to KH. Has Andre made his appearance on JW TV? I might tune in for a few seconds to glimpse Andre, the man most traveled.

  • NoMoreHustle

    Band on The Run: I know they are not "mainstream". But I think that they are trying to be more Attractive & Hip so that one day they can be. You are right about "knocking on door" thing. I know somebody rings my doorbell, I won't even answer it, peeping out window to see who the hell is ringing!! Either it is a cop or salesman!

  • steve2

    NMH, good observations. As with the Mormons and especially the 7th-Day Adventists, the Witnesses long to be seen as a bona fide respectable religious group. As with no sparrow falling to the ground without being noticed by Christ, Witnesses let no act of public goodness go unreported in their literature. Impression management is EVERYTHING.

    The Witnesses love to give an appearance of being wonderfully reasonable and likable people even if it risks them coming across (at first glance) as mainstream. Some people's critical abilities are so under-developed, they accept whatever they see in front cof them as being "real" and "true". For them, it is hard to wrap their minds around PR impression management - and people like us are seen as party poopers, complainers and opposers.

    Their sad, frightened little motto is: "When we're dreaming, please don't wake us up cause we're at our best dreaming away our lives"

  • Ocean1111

    Well it is "JW" news, that is some latest developments in a dated organization that exists in a 1960 global political mindset are covered. That much is true.

    As far as actual new "news", JWs have been in a Bethel cave for over 25 years as far as discussing alternative or even mainstream current developments of anything of relevance after the Cold War, or even of what the Cold War objective served for continued globalization.

    Anything having to do with globalization in general, in finance and military in specific, has already been totally ignored since 1990 fully in the Bethel "Awake!" system of a JW "Coma!".

    Thus it was ironic to call anything JW related as "news", JWs are not even aware of current events of the last 20 years, so if they do decide to cover some news, they will need to start at 1980, proceed to 1990, and bring JWs up to general global reality from there. JWs are severely retarded in even basic understanding of the basic developments that the whole world has been facing and discussing since 1990. Its like trans-national Bethel must see these developments, but purposely ignores modern reality for JWs, and by that JWs are fully backwardized and encouraged not to research basic reality.

    The news is Bethel is the main tool of the modern JW lobotomy, and when Bethel "humpty-dumpty has his great fall", JWs will be behind not just their spiritual development, but a few decades behind global reality as well. Thus the JW bewilderment is maximized.

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