Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real (shows the way to JWs?)

by exWTslave 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Pope thus admits that every verse of the Bible is not literally inspired. It is like a story that is built to awaken the readers to some principles (not to educate the readers the historicity with all the minute details).


    If GB is wise enough, they can come out of the mess they have gone into, making use of this opportunity that Pope has opened saying Bible is not to be taken literally. It is high time that JWs should switch to preaching like that of Joyce Mayar who stresses on good living rather than harping on mistakes of others!

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Interesting I have a few Catholic bibles with their commentary and they usually explain Adam was the first man WITH A SOUL. Humans evolved. The flood was localized etc.


    I'm happy with what the Pope said about the Big Babg and Evolution. But I disagree with the Catholic Bible about 'Adam' being the first human with a 'soul'. First of I, I think the story of 'Adam & Eve' is a mythological tale, not to be taken literally at all. Many ancient cultures had similar stories about the origination of humans. Secondly, I disagree with the notion that humans have a 'soul'. There is absolutely zero evidence that such a thing as a 'soul' resides in a human being. The idea of there being a soul within humans originated in an ancient, pre-scientific era. I view humans as strictly biological organisms, with our life and consciousness a product of our physical bodies. When our body ceases to function, we cease to live. Period! There is nothing that 'lives on' and goes to Heaven or to a Paradise Earth. So our best bet is to make the most of the one life we have NOW, while our bodies are alive. Not everyone will agree with the opinions I've expressed. Any comments are welcome. Including any 'evidence' that a 'soul' actually exists, other than in mythology.

  • exWTslave

    If Genesis Account is allegorical, why was there a need of ransom sacrifice--murdering own son for the benefit of those who have disobeyed God--something that, God Himself says, has " never even crossed my mind "? Jeremiah 19:5

  • Phizzy

    Oh do keep up ! we have had a Thread on this already, LOL.

    I don't think the JayBorg will react at all to this, they cannot comment on it without exposing themselves to even more ridicule than we heap upon them already.

    But the Pope has ,as noted above, exposed to scrutiny a number of thorny Theological problems, again the WT/JW org dare not address these either.

    The more real Science is taught and understood, the less relevant the writings of men 2000+ years ago have any relevance at all.

    The same with the thoughts and commands coming from those who still believe the Bible or the Quran etc to be from god, their ideas and "Authority" are becoming increasingly irrelevant and silly in the 21st century.

    Irrelevant and silly though they may be, the GB , the Pope, and the Mullahs still are able to cause much pain and suffering, and worse, loss of life.

  • Laika

    I suppose Joyce Meyer would be an improvement but she is not exactly the direction I would like the Society to take...

  • NVR2L8

    You can expect the WT to use the pope's statement as a proof that other religions reject the vital truths contained in God's inspired word the bible....blah blah blah. ..

  • opusdei1972

    Most of Catholic Scholars know that the Genesis account is not historical. Of course, it destroys the doctrine of "original sin", but they don't want to admit it oficially. For instance, Cardinal George Pell has said that the account of Adam and Eve is a myth. And he said it before Dawkins in a public debate. Pell was not excomunicated for that public declaration. Contradictorily, the governing body insists in the historicity of Adam and Eve.

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