Thanks in Advance

by ctrwtf 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ctrwtf

    So today I've been thinking of the phrase, "Thanks in Advance."

    Usually this wording came at the end of some correspondence from the Society regarding an organizational change. As in, "Thanks in advance for following this new procedure that has been put in place to bilk the publisher's out of more money."

    What irritates me most is that this phraseology assumes that the reader will do what is asked without thought or question, thus placing the writer of said phrase in a superior position.

  • MissFit

    That's the point.

    Its funny how you start noticing the manipulation when you are "waking up".

    See how many more manipulative statements you can find.

    It's like when someone starts off saying:" I'm sure you will agree that"

    Or " no doubt you feel this way"

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " What irritates me most is that this phraseology assumes that the reader will do what is asked without thought or question, thus placing the writer of said phrase in a superior position."

    Not so. the phraseology assumes that the reader will do even more than what is asked without thought or question. Ever noticed how Watchtower coaches instructions as suggestions with words like "may wish to"? Do you remember that recent letter outlining the change in the kingdom hall loan arrangement that went something like: "In congregations currently repaying a kingdom hall loan, the elder may decide to table a motion for the congregation to donate a sum of money that is at least equal to the sum they are currently paying on a monthly basis."?

    Watchtower and its passive-aggressive method of psychological manipulation!

  • MissFit

    That's a good example Island man.

    How about appealing to your scripturally trained conscience or brotherly love- especially if it is a "conscience" matter? They won't tell you not to, but it is implied that if you do it, you have a weak conscience.

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