The story of the girl sacrificed at the temple?

by Crazyguy 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    I'm sorry I don't remember her name but in the story her father promises god the first from his house would be sacrified. As many know here she was indeed killed and not just given over to temple service. Proving this to a jw would be hard, but I'm wondering was there ever a mention of woman being used at the temple other then when the temple was also a place for Asherah worship? I'm think if not then with out getting into language and what the bible really says this may prove to a jw that indeed she was killed. Does anyone know if woman were used at the temple?

  • Simon

    It's Jeptha's Daughter that you are probably thinking of

  • DaleRivers

    The daughter of Jephtha didn't even have a name. She was just another expendable victim of the blood thirsty God of the Bible.

  • clarity

    Interesting story alright.....I don't put too much

    faith in the truth of the bible but it looks to me

    that she was killed


    DaleRivers nice to see you here ...sorry if you

    wrote an intro I must have missed it.


  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    She was killed in the story.

    Most of Judges is stories of northern heros which were likely written during the exile. The Deuteronomist law code condemned child sacrafice but the author of these stories (Often called E) loved them. The Atories of Abraham and Isaac amoung others parallels this.

    Exodus 12 had God demanding the firstborn son.

    The tradition was well known... See Micah 6:6-8

    Was there a Gileadite who sacraficed his daughter in an oath to a deity after fighting the Ammonites? I would say this sadly happened many times.

  • sparrowdown

    Were'nt there temple prostitutes?

  • Crazyguy

    I think temple prostitutes were there during the time of Asherah worship which may have been most of the time for all I know. Just wondering if ever was there a reference to woman being used at the temple in anyway other way than prostitutes, in the bible? If not this could help to show that she was indeed sacrificed which I think everyone here would agree she was.

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