Similarity between Jesus and Jehovah’s Witnesses

by Kalos 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kalos

    There are numerous similarities between Jesus and Jehovah’s Witnesses. To mention a few:

    1) Both suspected they are anointed by God and started preaching work.

    2) Both had some ambiguous references (which can be interpreted to suit any conclusion one likes to have) from the Scriptures.

    3) Friends and family members of both generally believed they were insane (Mark 3:21), and religious experts attributed power of Satan to the work being accomplished by both (Mark 3:22)

    4) Both had wrong expectation about the generation they were living in (Mark 9:1; 13:30; John 11:26)

    5) Evasive when straight question was put to them (Compare Mark 11:27-33) ...............................................................


    Jesus admitted in the end that He acted on his own when he prayed “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me” (Mark 15:34) something JWs will NEVER do and cannot do! Jesus should have stuck to the original truth he declared:

    a) that each one will reap what he sows (Mathew 7:17; 12:33-37)

    b) that using a channel is not God’s style (Mathew 5:44-48)


    Both claim to be equal to God

    "I baptise you in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and GODS VISABLE ORGANSIZATION''

    Just saying

  • prologos

    JWs are personally as irresponsable as the mystical Jesus, in that

    they,-- IF they really follow long standing GB instructions--, do not look well after their relatives before they are dying, getting caught,

    like jesus who had to call on "John" ( told in John: 19:27) to look after his widowed mother.

    In his case, the end really came soon. It was later than he thought, or did he understand the 3 1/2 years "cut-off" and did not care?

  • designs

    Both have the Martyr Complex. Interesting how so many religions have a tragic figure as the Leader.

    The human need to self punish is very complex.

  • Ocean1111

    Well JWs are a clergy model contrary to the basics of Jesus Christ.

    In that vein JWs surpass the mainstream churches, because though the Pope does not make Catholics wear his clown suit, the JW org "specialized dress code" makes the JW laity dress the same as their clergy.

    Modern JWs do not resemble even pre 1950 JWs, much Jesus Christ, because Christ did not secretly promote the Roman Empire, while claiming to promote God's Kingdom, like that UN NGO "affair".

    JWs on the other hand have all the "new world order" trappings of buzzwords, soundbites and the lemming-like obedience promoting under the guise of "God's Kingdom" actually the final communism of planet earth. They also have a 3rd UN "placement" UN NGO endorsement center piece at Bethel. What more do people need to see? Its comical, yet tragic.

    JWs are just another elitist over-run stumbling ministry made to mislead its little JW sector, while stumbling million away from basic Bible truth which JWs have lost, as usual, by "traditions and doctrines of men".

    By JW definition JWs are the latest brand of organized apostasy. IMO, the Apostle Paul wouldn't be caught dead in the JW ranks, and Jeremiah would be in stocks out in front of Bethel. JWs have nothing but presumption thinking they compare to the true witnesses of God. JWs represent Bethel billion dollar corporate interests and fusion into the global trans-national pantheon, of which Bethel is just another elitist overrun "operation of error".

    But JWs are the freshest version of such blatant hypocrisy and form an interesting case study on how quickly a once well intentioned ministry can devolve into brazen apostasy, while most members feel it is "God's organization". We are witnessing a classic comedic apostate tragedy in the making, final act coming up soon. It is Bethel who is "the Apostate", so don't let JWs stick that label on you, it is JWs one should shun with their modified "good news" full of Bethel global scandal and "bad news" hypocritical antics.

    It is a sad joke, and I do not blame poor JWs for what their billionaire leaders have done, and will do to that once sincere ministry. This is what happens when people start trusting mere men, and allow them to "lift themselves over everyone" and claim to be divine. What it equals is a divine ground zero, and Bethel is the bulls-eye—and no JW can say the uncommon few didn't see it coming, that some didn't see the "writing on the wall". IMO it will turn out worse than expected. At some point JWs will reap what has been sown right at Bethel.

    Everyone and his mother knows the GB are lawless frauds except JWs. Ironic yet paradoxical, it truly is an apostate classic at work enabled by the unique Bethel tunnel vision and laughing gas tube isolating JWs from reality like lab mice. The experiment is almost complete, enter the Bethel Global Pied Viper now, JWs are quite used to the flute and song and dance. The premature "end of the world" delusion, as at 2Thess2:1-2, is what Bethel will use to smokescreen their exit with billions in JW loot and properties, and they, imo, will call off the ministry right from Bethel:

    Thanks, well done, go home, good bye JWs. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. The end will come, Bethel just did not clarify of what: it will be the end of Bethel as an organization and corporation, not the world. Someone has some juicy derivatives bets on Bethel's downfall, thus it will be two for the price of one when Bethel implodes globally for a couple bewildering years to JWs, imo. Someone is taking those billions home, and it will not be JWs.

    The long and short is JWs, like Bethel, resemble Judas more than Christ, they even sell out and shun their own former brothers and sisters while Bethel milks them for supplies and resources. It actually is kind of sad. JWs sell out their own kind, to support hellbent men they do not even know. Truly stunning.

  • Kalos

    Ocean1111 Beautifully put:

    "By JW definition JWs are the latest brand of organized apostasy. IMO, the Apostle Paul wouldn't be caught dead in the JW ranks, and Jeremiah would be in stocks out in front of Bethel"

  • Heaven

    More similarities: Matthew 10:35

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