What Govt./Judicial/Legal organizations exist in the U.S.A.to investigate bogus charities,religions.

by smiddy 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    The I.B.S.A. , International Bible Students Association , may very well have started out with high ideals according to their charter in providing comfort and faith and assistance to their followers .

    However the I.B.S.A. has since morphed into something entirely different over the years into becoming a multi million dollar Publishing / Real Estate empire using volunteer labour to amass millions of dollars over the years posing as a not for profit organization and using charitable status which is misleading to say the least.

    In the last ten years they have amassed around 900 million dollars in real estate sales in New York /State alone.

    Why are they not being investigated .

    The religion of Jehovahs Witnesses are not a charitable organization in the strictest sense of the word as they only give to their own members or that their family or freinds .They do not give to the general population.

    And why would they , they beleive the "whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one ,satan the devil."

    Everyone who is not a jehovahs witness will be destroyed at armageddon , which is always imminent.


  • Bugbear


    You ask qoute: ” Why are they not being investigated”….

    The worst thing that could happened to the soc. Is a public tax. Inquiry investigation. As far as I know they have all the time being avoiding this by claiming that they are a “religious aid organization”, with the support from American laws from back in the 1900 centuries. No accounting has to be shown publicly. They use Bible quotations to back up their standpoint (Do not let your left hand know what the right hand do when you give a donation) . The treasures within the Soc. Is handled mainly by the “Treasure dept. And this department is run by a numbers of “directors” with probably Don Alden Adams in charge. Everything here is closed for any public insight. But some countries have different laws. In England for instance the Watchtower soc. Must present a yearly fiscal report given incomes and expenditure’s. Those I have seen, are ending up with large numbers of UK £. The funny thing is that the excess money is immediately “given away” to an international Aid organization in the US called Watchtower Bible and Tract Society…!! And here is end of story. All moneys, bonds, shares, equity funds is untraceably. And those who have the control of this can do whatever they like with this fortune. They are only responsible before God.

    In Sweden when the branch office was closed, the Swedish State television, made an interview with the brothers and asked who should have all the moneys, when it was sold. The brothers replied, that they were registered covered by Swedish taxation laws and their organization numbers was public. However searching for this taxation number, it was discovered that it really was registered as “a monk orders” , with no obligation to pay tax. All their money was sent to their “mother organization in the US…? Later this JW church org. was applying for Swedish state contribution to their “youth activities”, and was denied this money; they screamed and cried, high about “discrimination” of certain religious groups.

    It stinks…!!!!

    I think that a serious group of us with the knowledge and the juridical qualification, must organize a pressure group to let the taxation authorities know what’s going on, both in England, Sweden, and US.


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