"East Metairie"/N.O.,LA, USA ex-JW's?

by SpiderMonkey 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SpiderMonkey

    welllllll... this is my first post on this forum =) I've enjoyed some of the paranoiac screaming back&forth on the UN thread (hehehe, no, I mean REALLY enjoyed it), but what I'd really like to do is contact any ex-Jdubs from the East Metairie cong in Louisiana; I was there during the late 80s / early 90s... especially Phoebe, if you're out there; I know it's a long shot!

    peas, SpiderMonkey

  • Billygoat

    Welcome! Hope you have fun on this forum. You'll learn a lot! I never went to any of those congregations you mentioned, but I did know some JW's from that area. Did you ever know any Vallejo's? Frank and Peggy? They were old friends of my parents.


  • SpiderMonkey

    Thanks for the welcome, BG! Yeah, I feel like I've already learned a lot; I logged in here for the first time yesterday around 2 in the afternoon, and was online until about 2 in the MORNING ;) verrrry interesting stuff.

    I do remember Frank & Peggy by name, but not by face... Were they in the Spanish cong by chance? East Metairie did share the KH with a Spanish congregation, and I knew a few of them vaguely...

    Nice to meet you =) SpiderMonkey

  • puppylove

    OMG! I know you by name. My husband is Phoebe's brother Steve. I am calling phoebe right now and she will be in touch.



    ps. congratulations on being free!

  • AhHah

    Welcome, Michael!! So very good to hear from you! Would love to catch up with you a bit.

    I don't visit this site often anymore, but my wife (puppylove) monitors it regularly. We were both thrilled to read your post. Please feel free to email me and I will gladly send you my phone numbers.

    Warmest regards!

  • Billygoat


    I don't think the Vallejo's were in the Spanish congregation. I was very young when we were friends with them. For some reason I remember them (Frank) being Italian. Quite a drinker too!


  • SpiderMonkey

    well, this is dramatic testimony that the "Reunions" part of this page works!!! Just a day after that post, who comes popping into the chatroom but my old friend Phoebe, and we just talked on the phone and are getting together Friday night to catch up w/ each other!!!

    Puppylove and AhHah, I can't thank y'all enough for spotting that post and helping us to connect again!

    much love, SpiderMonkey

  • phoebe820

    I just wanted to agree with SpiderMonkey about how awesome our experience was to be reunited after so many years. It feels so comforting to know of a childhood friend that is in the same mindset as myself about the religious indoctrination we were subject to. I'm looking forward to being able to see him again on Friday!

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