Catholic Church sends tremors to the Heaven?!

by Kalos 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kalos

    An assembly of Roman Catholic bishops convened by Pope Francis at the Vatican released a preliminary document on Monday which shows a marked shift in tone from 2000 years history. Catholic Church is poised for welcoming and accepting gay people, unmarried couples……—in sharp defiance of the principle found in Romans 1:21-27

    This comes as no surprise to those who know the prophecy of St. Malachi, the Irish saint, who was also the Bishop of Armagh (12 th C). In a trance he prophesied, standing in front of Vatican, about the number of Popes from his time to the end of the world, and according to him there would be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world. Could Pope Francis be the last? It seems he and his bishops have the fire-powder to invite the end of the world! [Interestingly, he prophesied the name of the last Pope as Peter--Pope Francis's name in his baptismal church is given as Peter]

    Church’s shift is obviously prompted by the increasing members who are becoming gay. This is like going the way the horse goes when it does not go the way it is driven! Is the Church turning into “the disgusting thing” foretold in Mark 13:14 that is spoken as would precede the end of the world? (which obviously cannot be UN, as JWs claim)

  • designs

    Oh great...the Big Kaboom!!!

  • Finkelstein

    Church’s shift is obviously prompted by the increasing members who are becoming gay.

    That was the funnest drivel I've read in along time.


    I think this new edict has something to do with the recent acceptance of homosexuality in today's modern secular societies even in Italy.


    The big C has seen a dramatic drop in attendance at their churches over the years particular in North America and Europe.

    Its a move to draw in those previously ostracized individuals and bring them into the flock so to speak.

    Mind you I don't see the church opening the door to openly gay men or women into the priesthood and further up the power structure of the church.

    Although we can assume that there are some and have been some in the past.


    This does present a question on whether or not they will perform gay marriages in their churches eventually.

    I'll guess that they wont being doing that for awhile at least.

    .....and no there isn't an increasing number of people becoming gay, no matter what you seen on TV.

    Increasing based on the the greater population growth well yes.

  • Crazyguy

    I wonder if angels in heaven are doing each other right now?

  • GLTirebiter

    Use the source, Luke!

    Don't assume that a popular media excerpt can tell the entire story. Context is everything.

    (edited to add the following quote)

    An Evaluation of the Particular Churches

    113. Every bishops’ conference voiced opposition to “redefining” marriage between a man and a woman through the introduction of legislation permitting a union between two people of the same sex. The episcopal conferences amply demonstrate that they are trying to find a balance between the Church's teaching on the family and a respectful, non-judgmental attitude towards people living in such unions. On the whole, the extreme reactions to these unions, whether compromising or uncompromising, do not seem to have facilitated the development of an effective pastoral programme which is consistent with the Magisterium and compassionate towards the persons concerned.

    114. A factor which clearly has an impact on the Church's pastoral care and one which complicates the search for a balanced attitude in this situation is the promotion of a gender ideology. In some places, this ideology tends to exert its influence even at the elementary level, spreading a mentality which, intending to eliminate homophobia, proposes, in fact, to undermine sexual identity.

    115. Episcopal conferences supply a variety of information on unions between persons of the same sex. In countries where legislation exists on civil unions, many of the faithful express themselves in favour of a respectful and non-judgmental attitude towards these people and a ministry which seeks to accept them. This does not mean, however, that the faithful give equal status to heterosexual marriage and civil unions between persons of the same sex. Some responses and observations voice a concern that the Church’s acceptance of people in such unions could be construed as recognition of their union.

    Some Pastoral Guidelines

    116. When considering the possibility of a ministry to these people, a distinction must be made between those who have made a personal, and often painful, choice and live that choice discreetly so as not to give scandal to others, and those whose behaviour promotes and actively — often aggressively — calls attention to it. Many conferences emphasize that, due to the fact that these unions are a relatively recent phenomenon, no pastoral programs exist in their regard. Others admit a certain unease at the challenge of accepting these people with a merciful spirit and, at the same time, holding to the moral teaching of the Church, all the while attempting to provide appropriate pastoral care which takes every aspect of the person into consideration. Some responses recommend not using phrases such as “gay,” “lesbian” or “homosexual” to define a person’s identity.

    117. Many responses and observations call for theological study in dialogue with the human sciences to develop a multi-faceted look at the phenomenon of homosexuality. Others recommend collaborating with specific entities, e.g., the Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences and the Pontifical Academy for Life, in thoroughly examining the anthropological and theological aspects of human sexuality and the sexual difference between man and woman in order to address the issue of gender ideology.

    118. The great challenge will be to develop a ministry which can maintain the proper balance between accepting persons in a spirit of compassion and gradually guiding them to authentic human and Christian maturity. In this regard, some conferences refer to certain organizations as successful models for such a ministry.

  • Kalos


    113 -117 talk about softening and toleration!

    118 reveals some maturity, yet it leaves it as future goal with no definite plan.

    Actually, this subject is not at all complicated. Beneath the details living-in-relationship is living without responsibility (union of two selfishness makes a big selfishness). They cannot be helped as they have CHOSEN a course they feel easy and convenient. They just need to be left to themselves as the world is filled with experiences of consequences of selfishness!

    Homosexuality too is not a very complicated issue. It just need to be treated like any other diseases. The ancient people had no difficulty in dealing with sexual abuse! They knew animals were using sex for only its intended purpose and never abusing their sex lives, hence any man who tries to teach animals abnormal sex, he was simply put to death. (Exodus 22:19) When people stopped capital punishment for sexual abuse (because of the gradual identity-crisis religions have been undergoing), nature has not stopped it--capital punishment still lingers around in some way or other!

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