Celebrity Death Match?????

by VeniceIT 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    I was chatting with a friend! And got a great idea!!! How about a reenactment, of the GB vs Apostate! I think this would be great! In this corner…. Well you get the idea; I’ll let your imaginations go with this, ‘cause I know some of you will come up with more then me. But the idea just cracked me up so I thought I would share, sorry!


  • TR

    Why, my young slave...er, fellow witness, being of the GB and anointed, I need not tell you that I'm too lofty to engage in such trivia. However, I'll humor you. Let me change my "depends", and I'll be right back.....

    ...OK! I've changed, taken my geritol, just OK'd the lastest WT article...Let's GO! Come on you filthy demon-possessed apostates, I've got 120 years of man-made...er, Jehovah's direction behind me!

    TR- aka Milton-"Geriatrica"- Henschell

  • mommy

    I love ya girl I saw that show one time and couldn't even watch it! It was so graphic and down right nasty. But the mental image you gave me......well I am chuckling.

  • larc


    That was great! I am usually pretty snappy with the humor, but I drew a blank on this one. Very well done!

  • crittersitter

    tr....you make my day..i love your humor

  • TR

    Come on you lousy, informed cult haters!(said in shaky old man voice)

    I've got two meal tickets and a trip to WT farms that says you can't take me on! Con sarn it! Frickin' leaky diapers! Ya'll got me so worked up, I wet myself! Hmmm...this extra Awake! magazine will do nicely to soak up the...DAD gum it! Now I'm mumbling to myself...where's that ginkoba...got to think clearly...Charles Russell's grave....a pyramid?...I knew he was a flake...can't let others know what I think...would lose monthly stipend, rooming, free insurance...Damn, I miss Leo Greenlees! Ed Chitty... he liked me, I think...Ha! I know where the Judge is buried...can't let rank and file know...

    extended care nurse: Ah, excuse me, bro. Henschell, your mush is ready.

    Milty: Dang!...got just....one...meal ticket left...field service?...I wish I could convince the others to vote that down....no, no...mustn't let them know....arghhh!...this mush tastes like shit!

    nurse: Brother, that's your bed pan, not your bowl.

    Milty: LOOKS the same as the mush....must hire new cook....what was that about a pyramid?.....Fred Franz?...no, he wrote all those stupid books.....wait...Russell wrote stupid books, too....the Judge!...no, the Judge wrote stupid books...Knorr? NAWWW!...He was just stupid....

    nurse: Brother? want your blanky now? It's 7 o'clock. Time for bed.

    Milty: Blanky? yeah...sleep...what if I don't wake up...hmmm.... hope there's mush in heaven....where's my teeth?..don't need teeth in heaven...who'll eat my mush, then?...ZZZZZZZZZZZZ


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