New kingdom songs

by InquiryMan 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • InquiryMan

    On the JW Broadcasting channel, three new songs have been launched.

    Of the three, I definitely liked 138 the best. I thought the sound was somewhat different than other Kingdom Songs?

    Anyone agreeing to this?

  • awakenyr2004

    Didn't find the songs but I just spent too much time watching the introduction to I learned a couple things.

    #1) Jehovah wanted and he wanted it fast! He got the project done in two months. This is project that would take Satan at least a year and a half. I'm tired but I am pretty sure it was 1.5 years for Satan.

    #2) Dubs shouldn't be concerned that they built now instead of waiting till their headquarter move in a couple years. They will be taking all but the paint on the floor and walls when they move.

    BUt they didn't tell anyone why they built it even though armageddon is just around the corner.

    #3) Yes they got a lot of free labor and materials but don't worry about your donations going to waste. They'll use the $$ soon enough. Pedophile bills are piling up.

  • InquiryMan

    Very easy to find. Under audio

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