Same Story-- New User Name

by Sail Away 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    I chose a new user name that reflects my life and attitude more accurately. Rubadubdub fit better when I was first exiting. Now, over three years after walking away, life is good and continues to get better! We are going to be grandparents! Our daughter is six months pregnant with a little boy! We are heading down to the Annapolis Boat Show this week to visit our son. If anyone lives in the Annapolis area, please PM me-- I'd love to meet you!

    Sail Away

    PS My JW exit to-do list has grown to 48! I think of it as my "50 Ways to Leave a Cult" List!

  • Phizzy

    Good to hear from you, and your progress S.A We have recently become Grandparents for the firsat time, it is wonderful ! We are looking forward to our first proper Christmas as a non-JW 2 generation family !

    I was just thinking that if your user name is going to reflect where you are on your journey away from Dubdom, there will come a day when you will have to post under WTHWDA? (Who the hell were Dubs anyway?") or something similar. Eventually everything about JWDom becomes so irrelevant and a long way back in a past life.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    Phizzy, Congrats on becoming grandparents! We are over-the-moon excited! Our daughter still teaches in Guatemala City, so we have flights arranged for a visit to meet our first grandson in February!

    We have had three proper Christmas celebrations so far-- each special in its own way. Our first Christmas was in Guatemala. We met our now son-in-law. He put up a Christmas tree just for me! My daughter told him I had not celebrated Christmas since I was eight years old. What a way to warm a future MIL's heart! We traveled to Antigua and Lake Atitlan. The countryside is gorgeous! Lake Atitlan is surrounded by volcanoes. They celebrate Christmas in Guatemala by dressing up as super heroes and dancing in the public squares! Santa arrived on a fire engine.

    Our second Christmas was here in New England at home. I got to experience all the drama of an extended family Christmas. Enough said! LOL!

    Our third Christmas was in Guatemala again-- a week in the city and a week on the Rio Dulce on an island in a tropical rain forest. Our son joined us, so it was especially wonderful. It was a mother's dream Christmas to be sure!

    Phizzy, I hope you have a wonderful celebration!

    Some of the best user names are initials! CTRWTF!

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