Who Has Exclusive Rights?

by RR 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    I'm getting a kick on the WOL board, there is a post there that's too funny.

    Apparently one of the witnesses went on a return visit with an elder and the guy they came to visit was "un-witnessable." How? well, apparently he had the same beliefs as they did, so how do you witness to someone who agrees with you?

    So the frame of thought from the replies is pretty much, If he has some truths, he must be an apostate, or perhaps he studied one of our publication. Apparently because this fellows only disgreement was the fact that Jehovah has a visible organization, so they left him for dead as bird food at armageddon.

    Geez, since when did the Society have exclusive rights to the truth? Because someone or group have similar beliefs they MUST be apostate, ludicrous! They fail to remember that C.T. Russell borrowed much of his theology from the Adventist, even in a past issue of the Watchtower they admited that George Storrs and Henry Grew had similar thoughts, of course nothing was mention of Storss being Russell's mentor.

    It just never ceases to amaze me how the Witnesses think!

    Here's the link: http://www.witnessesonline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000142.html

    Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.

  • conflicted

    That has been their stock in trade forever - "Only we are the one true religion". And you can't even talk to them about the past of their own faith, they close their ears and minds to anything you may know and label you as apostate. Then they wipe their hands and move on to the next house.

    It's amazing how many faithful witnesses don't even know how their religion began - I didn't until after I DAed myself and looked into it further on my own.

    The information would be good for them to know so they can answer questions posed to them in service, but then if they knew the history who would stay? Viscious circle.

  • happytobefree


    I'm glad I can now laugh at their Blindess. But sometime I want to go back and kick my own ass for the stupid stuff I use to say to nice people about their religion.

    A quote from Dang:
    OTOH, no organization without Jehovah's spirit can remain united in love. If the individual is sincere, he will likely eventually see the truth about his organization. Until then, there may not be much that can be done.

    You have that right Bro. This is what made me see the LIGHT from my cult .... er religion.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • thinker

    Is it possible theres more to this story than you're telling us?
    The post you linked to sounded "conversationally" familar. One thing in particular set off my memory:
    "enuff said!"

    Posted: Jan 5, 2001 5:42:37 PM by RR
    enuff said!

    Then from WOL:
    N E W B I E
    I plan on living forever. So far, so good.

    Posts: 10
    Member since: Jan 2001 posted February 22, 2001 11:56 AM

    Yes it is clear to YOU, however even the FDS and the Scripture say only Jehovah can read the hearts! enuff said!

    If it's really you, let us know. I think it's hilarious!

  • RR

    No, just a coincidence. In fact I did get on WOL once and lasted about seven postings before I was banned for life, they have my isp number and everything else to identify me, so I can't rejoin, have tried but to join you now have to give them your life story and they do check. I think I've exhausted all my e-mail addresses ... lol

    I use to be on greatcrowd.com also, I was banned there as well as a few other witness boards. I don't know why I bothered, they don't listen. The ones on WOL are real hard core JW's, faithful to death!

    Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.

  • Prisca
    OTOH, no organization without Jehovah's spirit can remain united in love. If the individual is sincere, he will likely eventually see the truth about his organization. Until then, there may not be much that can be done.

    hmmm... Maybe Dang is an apostate but he doesn't know it yet? It sure sounds like apostate talk to me, eh?

  • Gozz

    Watch out for Dang! His posts are beginning to show the signs of someone who's having increased knowledge - he's becoming more liberal. Check out his comments on their discussion on beards. They respect him and tend to keep mute when he says things they're afraid to.
    they refused to get me registered. They want to know everything about me. Info my doctor and employer and the government combined together don't have...Censorship; they're even afraid of their own.

  • SixofNine

    I have to admit, when I first read that post on WOL, I thought "hi ya RR "

    I'd bet money it is someone who has at least seen some of the light.

  • mommy

    Hey guys,
    Do you really think it is ok to go and pretend you are something you are not? Just to spread little seeds of doubt? I feel that if we are walking down the street and walk up to someone and present our opinions, we have a right. But to present our opinion cloaked in dishonesty, well you have no right to do that IMO.
    In RR defense I have said "enuff said" before, it just seemed appropriate at the time. So no he doesn't hold the trademark.

  • RR

    Thanks 'Mommy', I admit I use to go on a lot of JW's forums with the pretense of being a JW, technically, I am, since I was never DF'd or formally DA'd.

    It got to a point that I said, 'what am I doing?' this is silly, so when I did sign on I did so under 'RR', with no pretense, I must admit I lasted about two or three post before I was kicked off, or someone noticed my name and turned me in. I know for a fact that the moderators on WOL monmitor other boards specially "apostate" boards too see what's going on and see if anyone is posting on their boards who is clearly not one of them.

    I figured if a JW's is sincere and is happy and content with being a JW, then leave them in their ignorance, however those who are searching will eventually find their way out, prayer is a powerful thing.

    I have been in touch with a lot of JW's who searching, I don't try to convert them to my view, just try aned give them a little hope and the rest is up to the Lord.

    I am still a firm believer!

    People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

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