The lambs’ story is international and it is time for the abused to speak out in all countries.
The media all over the world must know about the findings of Dateline for this to happen.
Click on a search engine, find major newspapers and TV in a given country and send an e-mail with a title in the subject line like:
Jehovah’s Witness Church facing serious accusations!
then give them the link and I think they’ll do the rest
If you speak a second language, translate the title and send the link to newspapers and TV in the appropriate countries. I’m sure France, Italy, Spain, Russia and others who already know plenty about the JW’s would be interested in commenting NBC’s story.
The Watchtower showed us how to give an effective witness so let’s spread the news all over the earth Mt 24:14.
Send the link to local, national and international media.
For those who wish to temporary pioneer for a day, there is a lot of unassigned territory like the J-dub homepages.
It is not necessary to count your time or turn in a report but please don’t let this dissuade you from giving an effective witness.