BR. LETT- Do YOU "Imitate Jesus!"? Many On This Site Do So Daily!

by Hold Me-Thrill Me 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Br. Lett, People on this site imitate Jesus every day. How so? They imitate Jesus' custom of pointing out the hypocrisy, self-love and greed the religious leaders in his religion practiced daily.

    There is much more imitation of Jesus on this site than in Bethel where young men and women who serve there must not be openly critical or questioning as Jesus was but must do as the parents of the blind man Jesus healed and remain silent lest they be thrown out of the "Synagogue".

    (John 9:18-23) . . .However, the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and had gained sight, until they called the parents of the man that gained sight. 19 And they asked them: “Is this YOUR son who YOU say was born blind? How, then, is it he sees at present?” 20 Then in answer his parents said: “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. 21 But how it is he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. ASK him. He is of age. He must speak for himself.” 22 His parents said these things because they were in fear of the Jews, for the Jews had already come to an agreement that, if anyone confessed him as Christ, he should get expelled from the synagogue. 23 This is why his parents said: “He is of age. QUESTION him.”

    Br. Lett, You are not imitating Jesus. You are imitating the men who put him to death! They did not allow open discussion because they were in fear of losing their positions. Is that why you do not allow open discussion?

    Wake up, Br. Lett. (Luke 19:42,43)


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Mr Lett & his cohorts are no brothers of Christ - or anyone here. They are nothing more than front-men for a very evil and monstrous entity which declares itself as "God's channel of communication on earth!"

    They deliberately mould Bible teachings into perverted doctrines which are then used to blind the minds of millions who are deluded into believing they have found the "true religion."

    Their rotten fruits are becoming more & more exposed - and they are worried!

    (Matthew 25:40) ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    I agree Searcher.

    The Governing Body believes its own propaganda. You can't get more blind than that.

    (Matthew 6:23) . . .If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    The Governing Body believes its own propaganda. You can't get more blind than that.

    (Matthew 6:23) . . .If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!

    X2 bro !

  • SAHS

    “Hold Me-Thrill Me”: (Matthew 6:23) . . .If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!

    That reminds me of the WT’s founder, Charles Taze Russell, who spent a great deal of time and energy counting the number of steps in the basement of the great pyramid of Ghiza. . . . Yes, nothing but darkness there!

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    I absolutely agree SAHS. Russell was grasping for anything that would support his chronology. Even today there are Bible Students who still believe the Great Pyramid is God's Stone Witness. But at least they do not practice the unloving practices found in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion.

    There is more love shown among the Bible Students than in Bethel.

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