Interesting, being a parent - pre- sonogram

by Gregor 5 Replies latest social family

  • Gregor

    My wife and I teamed up and had 5 children between 1966 and 1978 (She did the hard part) We never knew the sex until the the little sweety was born.

    Now days, we know if we're having another grandson or grandaughter months before they're born.

    Big difference.

    Names = Male or Female? Better have one or the other ready for the birth cert. info.

    clothes are not that critical. But would you want to leave the hospital with your baby boy wearing a frilly bonnet ?

    paint the nursery pink or blue ?

    But the big advantage of knowing the sex before hand is that it gives the parents a critical bit of information to start the bonding.

    "Oh, look, Jim, Polly is kicking me like a little mule!" etc.

    PS I wanted a boy very strongly. We had - girl - girl - boy - boy - girl. The suspense was intense. Wouldn't change it for anything

  • Simon

    Have you seen the new ultrasound images they have? You can now get a 3D looking image of the baby that almost looks like a photo.

    When we had ours you got something that looked like a badly-tuned-in black and white TV with CB interference ruining what little picture there was.

    I can't imagine not knowing or wanting to know, it just seems so practical when buying and preparing for things.

  • GrreatTeacher

    The sex of the baby is still a surprise whether you find out out at 4 months or 9 months.

  • Gregor

    Yes, we have seen the state of the art pics. They are amazing. Our Grandaughter's daughter is due in early January. Girl name suggestions are flying from all the aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

    Great grandaughter #5 is on her way.

  • awakenyr2004

    Sweet, Gregor.

    I found out the sex at about 14 weeks thru a blood test. You can know if it's a boy or girl if a sigleton pregnancy that early. But if it's twins/multiples and there is a Y Chromosome you'll only know you are having at least one boy. But with fertility treatments these days you can almost guarantee the sex.

  • Scully

    I've had both experiences and it really doesn't change the experience - it's still a surprise whether you find out at 4 months or at 9 months. Finding out earlier makes planning a bit easier. But it doesn't help with everything that happens after they're born.

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