TV Schedule Conflict, dang it!

by CaptainSchmideo 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    This WOULD have to happen!

    The same nite that Dateline is on, TCM is having a Harold Lloyd film festival. I want to tape both, but how am I going to do that! ARRRGGHHH![>:(]

    Now the theological quandary. Is it Satan causing my dilemna, or is it Jehovah trying to steer me from watching something that will weaken my faith?

    "I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the Universe."- Jango Fett

  • Soledad

    Have a friend or a neighbor tape the TCM film festival, and you tape the Dateline story.

    I'm going to have to go to my mother's house to watch and tape Dateline--I still have no NBC, CBS, FOX or PBS reception, just cable. It's a shame Tuesday is meeting night for my mom oh well she'll just have to hear about it when she goes out on field service hehehehe

  • Gopher

    Satan obviously inspired Ted Turner, owner and president-for-life of Turner Classic Movies, to run such a tempting film festival on the same Tuesday that the other-Satan inspired entity, GE-owned NBC, decided to run the JW episode of Dateline NBC! Satan controls the media, don't you know.

    So which silent classic are you going to have to give up? "Safety Last", "Girl Shy", "Hot Water", "Kid Brother", or "Speedy"?

    (Or you could have a friend tape one or the other, and thus see both.)


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

  • DakotaRed

    Uh, buy another cheap VCR?

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