I don't like some of the comments recently on skin color...

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Black perosn beats up black girl for being too white or White people rapes another witness.

    *Clear throat*

    Who F**King cares you morons.!

    Let me explains.

    1. This is new propoganda... why trust it..? this is 2014.. shouldn't you know this is propoganda?

    2. White-black....Since the USA is made up of hundresds of cultrues this is normal!!! (I have been in the USA many times evenr lived there several months)

    3. By postiing a normal problem as if its out of this universe YOU CREATE A PROBLEM!

    4. This is not limited to the USA of course recently I saw here seperation of East Indian Witnesses from Non-East Indian Witnesses... I suppose they r us are better?

    5. Why post here on on ainternational board when many are black, brown, red, yellow ,white etc... Who cares.. if the WT has something it does against or for a race post it.. but don't bring about petty gnag wars on here please... this controbutes to the problem and makes me feel most here are fools... not true

  • NotNew

    Agree! And I believe the battle will continue...and evolve between male and female taking the front!


  • prologos

    front or affront?

  • sd-7

    We've got to learn to see people as individuals and not just as part of a group. Focus on what they do and who they really are, and not just what they look like. That's the way I see it.


  • GrreatTeacher

    This is not propaganda. These are downline effects of problems that started 500 years ago and only achieved legal resolution a few decades ago. Sociocultural resolution has not yet been effected.

    The reality is that there is a racial divide in America. I think our recent discussions have been productive. Just dispensing with the taboo of talking about race is an excellent first step in understanding each other.

    However, I understand that people from other countries may not want to participate in these conversations and I respect their choice to bow out.



    ..It`s The Dam Blue People That Cause All The Problems!..

    ..............Always Pushing To the Front Of The Line!..

    ..............Eat all the Drumsticks In A Bucket Of KFC!..

    ..................................Take Our Jobs!..


    Marry Our Daughters And Give Us Little Blue GrandChildren!..


    ..........................................................................Image ...OUTLAW

  • Tiktaalik

    It most certainly is a multinational board, with people of all races contributing.

    The one thing that truly unites everyone on here is English. And the degree of English abuse in the OP was apalling.

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